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In This Episode:
Escaped illegal alien is now armed with a rifle, police say
Boy suspended for finger gun
The mobile game funding a revolution in Myanmar
9th circuit rules against CA censorship
City of Flagstaff AZ Blocks Local Firearms Dealer from Advertising
ATF: Can’t Have Guns For Defense
Proposed rule:
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Dude, you don’t miss. Keep it up just earned a sub
Suspending kids for finger guns in a state where you can conceal carry without a permit makes total sense. But now that i think about it, our education system isn’t exactly the top in the country. Alabama’s education motto is “at least we aren’t Mississippi”
I dont lock up my guns, I lock up my kids .
Doesn't matter what it's for. Right to bear arms means right to bear arms and it shall not be infringed. Period.
Unless you are carrying the firearm, it should be stored properly to prevent criminals access or children from winning a Darwin Award. Training to make lead fly true is also as important as safety.
How locked is locked? If my house is locked and I am out for two hours is that shotgun on the wall in the den secured? I think so. I've got firearms that only see the safe when I'm on vacation away from home for weeks at a time.
We've all seen videos of safes being opened with a hammer and a pry bar. So my safe isn't Fort Knox and neither is yours.
Yeah, it's for offense. Got it?
At 5:55 – The comment about the ATF gaining additional legal authority because they want to is incorrect. The Executive Branch has no authority to expand on ANYTHING Congress has written as law.
Oh didn’t know Canada took over the US and Americans aren’t allowed to defend themselves
The primary reason I own firearms is because its my god given right affirmed by the second amendment. I could care less about any other reason and its none of anyone else business what I own or how many!!!!!!
Good stuff
Well my 12 year old nephew thinks the yeet cannon is cool , so can we ban it please.
The Constitution and the American people decide what is and what isn't for home defense not some government bureaucracy.
Sounding more like dictators trying to take control of America! God help this government, they might need to be sent to Jesus
Thats like saying my wrench collection isn't for mechanic'n
You should never have to explain "WHY" you want to exercise any right. It's a right, not a privilege.
My personal collection is none of your fkn business FAT, so fkoff, mate.
I'm at the point I just say FU. Tyranny and all that. Shall not be Infringed. Will not comply. Garland is a commie pretending to be a democrat but surprise, they're the same thing now.
I FORCED my phallus down a syphilitic monkey's throat, and 9 minutes later, it crapped an ATF agent.
Come and take it.
Too many ads
Fuck the atf those guys are gonna get it when SHTF

bunch of dumb mfs
Why should I look anything up on my own private property
I don’t leave stuff laying out in plain site, but there may or may not be some strategic locations hiding something useful for me.
A comment for the numbers brother
The FGC-9 currently being used in Myanmar was actually developed in large part in Europe, though most of the well documented testing was in the US.
RIP JStark
Large collection are for training for defense. If training weapons aren’t allowed the police department,FBI and ATF have some explaining to do on why they’re wasting tax dollars on unnecessary equipment. They have training weapons.
Pardon me but last time I checked any form of so-called infringement, has to follow the text, history and tradition dating back all the way to 1791.
Honestly, we need MORE laws on advertising…
You did a HUGE disservice showing the FGC-9 but not mentioning that the 3D printed gun is the FuckGunControl-9 and that it was designed by the large JStark.
Then they are for offence now?
I keep all of my guns loaded in the safe, but when I'm home, the safe is unlocked. When I am out, the safe is locked. That way all I have to do is open my safe and grab a ready to go gun.
The government DOES NOT tell me what I use to protect my family PERIOD!!!
The atf can say whatever they want. They have no authority whatsoever.
Thank you for posting the information of the fascist school.
Come and try to take them, many of us few of them
And depending on how hard the ground is, that statement just means someone may end up in BBQ sandwiches…
Shit they wanna close the damn place down clean house I mean it's sick with people cry about these days like go have another box of wine mind your own business and yeah, put your kid in a bubble because he sure shit ain't gonna be allowed to do nothing as a kid for a fear he might get a boo-boo
All of my firearms are for defensive purposes. I don't hunt or collect wall hangers. Most of my weapons are in a safe but I have deployed several non finger guns. In strategic places.
Please keep the conversation and information coming to the light.
Flagstaff has a liberal mayor and city counsel. Not one are conservative. It’s a terrible place to raise a family. I left that awe full place for red state two years ago. Best move I ever made.
Timberline was great!!!
We will defend ourselves as we see fit..with whatever against whoever.
Of course it’s not it’s actually used for hunting on the first account then on the second account it’s used for if we were being invaded by another country’s army then it’s when you have 15-20 more guns than you need but you know those who dint have guns or think we don’t need them and want to ban them ! Well in a time of trial like we could all hold and shot against those who were trying to take our country ! There’s only one reason for disarming the American people and that’s so another country can invade and take over ! You can’t say firearms is doing it . There are air rifles that don’t have any muzzle flash that are almost silent when shooting them, they don’t have to be registered and they come in fully automatic . Besides there fully legal for any felon to own . Then you take knives more people die each year from being killed with a knife . A car can be takin into a crowed of people and kill more than a gun . So it’s not the weapon here that’s doing the killing that’s easy enough for a blind man to see it’s people who are killing people so taking one or two or three weapons away from a killer will just lead them to finding another way . Besides they say if you want it personal you just hold them down with two hands around the throat and choke them to death ! Sounds like that’s what needs to be done to those trying to take the rights from the people of a free country that there dads , uncles , sons, daughters , wives, hell all the men and women folks who have fought and have fought and died for our freedom and they just wanna take it away or throw it away ? I can say one thing would George , Benjamin , John , James , Samuel , Theodore , General Grant, General Eisenhower , Harry Truman , VanBuran , Abe Lincoln and even the General Robert E Lee let it happen ? Not with out the biggest fight you’ve even seen in this world ! The wars of civil war, the Alamo , WW1&2, Korean War, Vietnam war, desert storm , Iraq freedom, and Afghanistan all together would not be as big of any war set out to take the constitution , bill of rights and what has been fought and died for for us to have . To live on to be and all the way of life and liberty we have the rights to ! It’s like every thing you’ve lived for your whole life abd what you know is being messed with ! I hope every one will wake up and see that this should make every red blooded American madder than hell and we all should say we ain’t gonna take no more BS ! Stop messing with us and we all want laws against any one trining to change our country and our constitution . An if anyone don’t like it leave an go to another country and see how you like it there. If our government would worry about what would help the country instead of what they can do to disrupt it break it’s back and let the rest of the world move in with all of our jobs outsourced and a retiree for a president . You can see real fast if they want population control all they got to do is nuke the big city’s in the U.S. were ther overcrowded and then over populated well there you go seems more understandable now why the border is open fir all that they can get in here in here ! I’m no collage graduate but when you see a man who loves his country in office and they hate him ! Then by hook and crook they oust him and install a blooming nightmare of we’re did we come from and I don’t know we’re I’m at to we’re are we going next . An is willing to do anything he can to destroy our country and they love him ! Common sense then non-sense seems like that last one there is what we have in control!
The weapon collection of civilians appear to be more than likely everyday to possibly have to be used to defend against corrupt government.
what a case of dumb-ass !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!