In this video, we cover the topic of short, 7.5″ ARs; Are they just glorified 22 Magnums or useful tools? Let us know what you think about shorties in the comments down below.
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They forget the street stats 7.5 has. Look at street stats and you see real info
You can put work in with the 7.5 for home, home defense and hunting.
Thanks!Dude, I could not agree more. About 8 years or so, I was building a few random cheap guns with a buddy just for fun. We put together a PSA 7.5 to see how cheap we could build one and shoot. When we shot it, there was a perfect shaped bullet profile in the paper. It keyholed at 50yds! I ended up using the upper for a CMMG.22 bolt conversion kit which turned out to be kinda fun actually. Other than that, anything under a 10.5 (even THAT is debatable) is useless in 5.56/.223
Chad got a 7.5" woody
Are you actually going to use a short barrel for anything past 50yards anyway?
Velocity doesn't really matter at short range , the 7.5 is still deadly in close quarters..lol
The only problem with long barrels is accuracy. If you have a 20” pencil barrel, that thing is going to bend and flex WAY more than most people would ever think. The first time I bought a 16” government profile barrel was also the last time I bought a 16” government profile barrel. Heavy barrels are absolutely the way to go. They are more accurate and that is not a myth. They are. Period. And they sustain that accuracy a lot longer. It’s science. So knowing that heavy barrels are the better choice, it only makes sense to go with shorter barrels. I would not ever go above a 16”. That is plenty. I like the 14.5” for 556 and 10.5” for 300blk. 10.5” is a little more than what you absolutely need to get the max potential from supersonic 300blk.
Most women would disagree
Just a really loud .22 mag at that point
I know we are an AR-15 country and I have a couple. But the Tavor X95 is the perfect home defense weapon. 16” barrel but has shorter overall length than a MK18 @ 26”. 3000FPS and still CBQ. Winning.
Haha what the hell
I once had a KSG and it was to much to short.
Ccmg ten mm banshee is the only short barreled ar on the planet that is useful
Did he say 18”SBR
How about a ballistic gel test, demonstrating the effectiveness of the weapon system, prove or disprove.
The 77 grains is only going 1850 out of a 7.5 and you shoot a 100 yards your down to 1350 so .
It's a pistol. Stop trying to make it fit into a rifle's role. Compare it to a 38 sub compact.
I’ve always wondered with the attachment of a suppressor. Would that increase the effectiveness of the projectile to perform at that effectiveness of a 10.3 because you’re essentially increasing the barrel length with the added suppressor
A 7.5 can be a viable choice if done correctly, and it did have a brief stint with SO back in the 2000s. It can still punch pistol armor, and it can still punch ceramic, although barely. Can it punch steel? No, but neither can 5.56 out of a 20" barrel, 5.56 was meant for soft targets by design.
You do get a much larger flash, and concussion, which can be mitigated, and 7.5 isn't much louder than a 16. In the end would you rather be shot by a 7.5 or a 16? Definitely the 7.5, but I still wouldn't want to be shot by it at all.
There's a REASON why MK18 is the smallest M16 that any real Operator will use! Unfortunately 300blk is not an available cache option for them and 5.56 is not very effective at the reduced energy that a 7.5" barrel can muster and the #1 caveat is REDUCED RELIABILITY from lack of dwell time…
The "SHORT" answer is YES & NO!
If chambered in 5.56, 6.5 Grendel, 224 Valkyrie, 6ARC, etc or any other medium to long range caliber, them YES it's USELESS!
If chambered in 300blk, 45ACP, 9mm, 5.7x28mm, 22lr, etc or any other round intended for short range engagement, then NO it can have PURPOSE!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE my 7.5" barreled AR15, chambered in 300-AAC-BLACKOUT, paired with a Surefire SOCOM762-RC2!!! It's the ULTIMATE choice for urban engagement!
Utterly useless? But, a .22s Derringer is completely acceptable? Js. Jw
Bro it’s Conley that’s the perfect analogy for how much people hate on 7.5s
Eric, if I have my rathers, I’m gonna have my custom 18 inch with my 77 gr match ammo but I don’t usually carry it everywhere I go. My main truck gun now is my 12 in AMD 65 with that 4 in muzzle brake pinned to it. Love my 30 cals
I have about every length there is. My 7.5 rides in my truck with a 60 under it. In a truck situation I want as many rounds as possible. Putting holes in targets is all I’m interested in. If I have my choice , I’m not dealing with any threats!! Buy what you want, it’s your money.
If you showed up with one of these garbage barges at the range, you'd get your ass kicked here.
Totally useless to me. I built one. It weighs the same as my Mini 14 but the report is destructively loud and the granola crunchers on the National Forest are not comfortable with it but they don't give the Mini a second look. I shot my AR three times. It jammed all three times and I sold it.
I have a 7.5” for home protection, I hope to never use it indoors cuz I don’t want my house to burn down!
Mine feels great in my hand. Super maneuverable and comfortable but I wouldn't buy another one in 5.56. So yeah it was dumb purchase
Outside of home defense,YES, it’s useless.
My 7.5 pistol (PSA
) is reliable af. But it'll keyhole at about 50 yds. Still fun. And the look on people's faces when it throws flames and makes the windows on the house ring is priceless.
Hit anything you want out to 150m in a heart beat
Mine are for hunting. Home defence is well covered! Im just tired of hauling that marlin 35 through the florida swamps. Im 60. Im gonna make everything as easy as i can. Thats gonna take alot of work!
I wanted an 18" for my grendel but could not find one, and when i did it was WAY outta the budget. Bear creek came through at $189. Im very happy with it. I made 2 and my buddy loves his. My 300blk is what i wanted out of 8 1/2" couldnt find a 10" barrel under $600. Should have put her on the back burner but oh well. I can allways do it again!
I agree completely. My shortest uppers is a 14.5" faxon. I've been looking at the 12.5" HM defense uppers also. Another reason is their from my old hometown my orange Ohio. We've been living in Southern SC just about 2 yrs now. I know hm makes quality stuff plus has some of those original engineering as well
my 7.5" PDW only had 1 problem run 200rds have to replace gas rings , so i put a piston on it now no problems 200rds & up . only take mine out to 50yards, the sound & flame at night yea
I could never buy a rifle with a smaller barrel than the barrel I was born with.
7.62X39 and .300 are fine at 12.5 maybe a couple of inches less
The only 5.56 I own under 20" is a T91 clone.
If you want to go with a nice personality rifle barrel size then stick with a PCC
I have a 7.5 in 450 bushmaster.. use it as a truck gun or works great for backpacking.
Not if theyre in 300 blackout
I use my 7 for a 22 LR conversion