Home AR-15 Stay away from bear creek arsenal #legallydangerous #arpistol

Stay away from bear creek arsenal #legallydangerous #arpistol

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  1. Send it back,m they will fix it. I disagree, you won't buy anything better for a hundred more…. maybe if you spend a few hundred more…you may/may not start getting into better quality.

  2. That's a common thing. You're talking about a bunch of parts put together…. Stuff happens…. It's your responsibility to be able to put it back together.. this isn't a house. This isn't a car… Those things can be hired to fix…This is your potential LIFE saver….. Learn to fix it. And use it.

    Take it apart, put red lock tight where it needs to be. Send it.❤

  3. It’s just QC that they need to get down. Get ahold of them and they will make right. EVERY and I mean EVERY gun company’s has and will continue to have problems with quality control. From the cheapest firearms to the most expensive and well known brands there will always be something wrong and something right and that’s why everyone should know a very good amount about firearms before owning one

  4. I’ve bought over 10 complete uppers from BCA and none of them have given me problems. Ranging from multiple different calibers and thousands of rounds in each and everyone with no problems at all

  5. I mean if you would've done your homework you would have found other videos on YouTube telling you to take everything apart and add blue lock tight on every screw ….js

  6. I got an upper that stopped working after 100 rounds, put it away and never bothered it. A year later I decided to call BCA, they said send it in. In 2 weeks I received a new upper that shoots very well. I was impressed, ordered a 7.62×39 and that one runs like a champ also.

  7. WOW! Yes, I have had issues with BCA, but that's wild. I have been an armorer and I'm OCD, so I go over ALL my components initially and from time to time afterwards. I have FOUR BCA rifles NONE have ever been to that extreme. A few of the issues were with customer service, BUT I always got a positive resolution in the end.

  8. SMART MAN. DO NOT BUY BEAR CREEK AERO PRECISION OR PALMETTO. and alk the people saying"its a minor problem and their warranty is great… YOU SHOULDNT HAVE TO FKIN WARRANTY ANYTHING! when a comoanys biggest marketing campaign is.. "we will return your shjt" EVERY COMPANY DOES THAT! The difference is that high quality parts RARELY need to be retirned, last longer, perform better and smoother and will last longer than 1000 rounds (33 magazines) and good ones last between 20 and 50k. Stop buying garbage.. and "budget" isnt annexcuse! Save up if u have to… if u can save 100 bucks then u can save 200 and then 300… budget is just basically saying "im impatient and wanted whatever i could get with the money i had in my pocket right now"

  9. Anytime I buy a new upper or lower I always go over everything to make sure it’s good, but I use bca for my training rifles and I’ve never had any issues.

  10. Well no shit. Thats why you double check every brand. Even the shit from daniel defense. Beside bear creek has seriously improved. Check all tolerances and tensions before firing ANY weapon. Stupid video

  11. This is cake.

    The barrel nut is loose. You need to remove the handguard by undoing the screws. Once you do, the guard slides off. From there, just check to make sure the gas block and tube are tight and in place. If you wanna test it, put the barrel down and drop your bolt carrier group into the upper. If it clicks into place, the gas key is aligned with the tube. If it doesnt, youll know! Haha.
    From there, tighten the nut and then put the handguard back on. 😎

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