Home CMMG Are Side Charging BCGs Compatible with Rear Charging Receivers? #shorts

Are Side Charging BCGs Compatible with Rear Charging Receivers? #shorts


Will a side charging BCG work in a standard rear charging upper receiver? How about a rear charging BCG in a side charging receiver? Learn the answers to these questions and more in our latest Bear Charge #shorts.

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  1. Does BCA side charging bcg use mil spec bolts or is it proprietery? I need left discharging bolts for my BCA Gen2 bolt carrier and BCA never has them for sale.

  2. The beauty of modular systems is that all parts interchange. The fascination with side charging throws this in the trash. I'm good with the standard systems. I love my Bear Creek uppers and just ordered a BC-9 lower. I just wish that the rear charging uppers were not sold out. Side charging was in stock, but I'll wait or look elsewhere.

  3. I've used both. You should really consider your application. Optics can sometimes cause an issue with rear charge units. Using a red dot optic not much of a problem. Using a full scope, side charge has the advantage.

  4. I whish you guys would offer something similar to what Savage offers with top end AR, which is an upper that charges from both the left side and rear. It still has a dust cover, forward assist, and she'll deflector, and doesn't interfere with a brass catcher.

  5. i would have loved to have had my AR, instead I have waited for a month with no response from yall to any of my emails or my voicemail. I am a Navy veteran and it really sucks that a veteran owned company treats fellow vets this way

  6. Hhhmmm I always figured they'd work. Just never gave the dust cover door a thought. Still haven't bought a side charger yet. I prefer all my stuff the same as far as ambi controls and rear charging. Alot of BCA complete uppers and probably more barrels. Only one small problem with one but it was quickly remedied by Customer service.

  7. These are great uppers. However, as I’ve posted before with 704 tacticals video, please address the packing to ship procedure with the Gen2 uppers. The charging handle has a “point” to it that goes thru the box/egg crate foam and becomes damaged. I have received 2 like this and though I will keep them, a simple cap or small piece of slipped on cardboard would have prevented this to happen. Thanks

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