Home AR-15 The REAL reason for the ATF pistol brace ban

The REAL reason for the ATF pistol brace ban

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  1. You know what the problem is. This brace wasn't intended for everyone. It was ment to help those that need it. Now that everyone took advantage of the law those that really need it have nothing yet nobody cares.

  2. The real reason is that with somewhere between
    30 and 40 million pistol braces in private hands they are the single most widely owned accessory in america thatvthey have been able with their lies to convince a large percentage of the population that they magically make a gun more dangerous. Its the numbers they are after and the reason for that is twofold. 1. Having deemedbit an NFA Item they now get to require a $200 federal tax stamp meaning the ATF gets to collect what is basically a new tax going just to the ATF that could generate as much as
    $1,600,000,000. and 2. It has the potential of making as many as 40 million american citizens into overnight felons !!! Those people would then be prohibited persons,
    backdoor gun control !!

  3. Your AR is a pistol not a rifle in the first place if it has a barrel under 16 inches. The fact they would want you to register to a SBR from a pistol makes no sense. Can I register my Glock to a SBR? Makes no sense.

  4. You are not incorrect. In fact, you used an AR pistol as an example. The video would have made EVEN MORE impact had you used an AK pistol or a forward/side charging AR pistol whereby removing the pistol brace makes the weapon WAY WAY WAY MUCH MUCH MUCH easier to conceal. The idiocy continues at the ATF.

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