This very common mistake causes shooters a lot of frustration they do not need. And it is not a rifle issue or a scope issue. It’s a SHOOTER problem originating directly between your ears that are standard issue, left and right, one each!
The rifle is a savage 110 about 30 yrs old. in 223 rem. Scope is a Shepherd 6×18, w/V2 ret. The ammo is hand loads that will stay at or under 1 MOA. I use great rifle to check out questionable scopes and great scopes to check out questionable rifles and in this case, both to prove a point.

The heat of the sun will give you an error too
I don’t zero rifle rifle zeros me
Good advice!
I honestly never ever saw anyone resting his rifle on the barrel. I also do not understand how anyone would assume this to be a bright idea. I guess the forearm not having enough space so resting ON the barrel might be the issue.
When i was in the Army we always used a sandbag and never Rested the weapon on the sandbag uesd are hand to support the weapon and reast are hand on the sandbag
Thanks for the reminder!
I’m so very grateful for my childhood and being raised in a family of Marksmen and Gunsmiths. That’s a great shooting rifle BTW, I hope your Friend has been instructed in correct procedure now. Great video as well.
That explains a lot. thank you
Its not the force pushing up as much as vibration.
You can't fix stupid
I believe it and all, I just don't understand why a guy would change where he rests the gun. Why move back and rest it on the barrel?
First I bore sight the rifle.
Then fire1 shot, then put the crosshairs back to the bullseye and move the crosshairs to the bullet hole of your first shot.
Then fire another round to confirm, if you aren't dead on the bullseye, its back to the bullseye to make the same usually fine adjustment as on your first shot. Always go back to the bullseye to make your adjustment. This method works flawlessly and saves valuable ammunition.
Don't think this doesn't happen – or can't – I know it can. I've done it.
Couldn't figure it out until my Pop asked if I rested my rifle the say way each time. I admitted I had no idea. Tried again next range session. Solved – went from all over the paper to .75 groups.
Right on!!! Just like aiming at different holds…gives different results….
Lol I just made this same mistake…
When I was taught to shoot and mess with sites or scopes. You always fire three shots. Reposition, fire three more and then once again. This method has always worked for my. By doing it three times, you will find all your problems or find success.
Super great information.
I knew this,,
All my rifle barrels are free floated. I would never rest on the barrel seems counter intuitive to rest on the barrel after you took the trouble to free float the barrel.
Just bought my first bolt rifle and got the scope mounted and boresighted…heading to the range this weekend thank you for the great tip!!
I have a free floating barrel rail to rest my bipod on. Never had this problem, but had I had a hunting rifle like this Remington 700, probably would have.
Always fire from a cold or at least a cool barrel also.. This also makes a huge difference.
1.) Holding the rifle backwards and using the barrel as a scope
Interesting. Cool video.
This is an idiotic video. Who thinks you can sight in a rifle while changing the orientation of the rifle from the calibration shot to a completely different fulcrum for the remaining shot group? Hey, let me make my first shot off my bag, then I'll drop my rifle an inch or more by pulling back until my barrel only is on the bag. Um…. REALLY ?!? Some REVELATION THERE!! LOL super waste of tone can't watch beyond 3:15 or so.
Very good point, thanks!
A tight grip as opposed to a loose one will also affect the group. By that I mean consistency is key to a good group. Do everything the same exact way and the results will be likewise.
I could tell before watching this human error. And how the guy rested shot placements.
Great video!
Who changes rifle position like that???
What? I though this was common sense. Otherwise why would you have the barrel free floated anyway.