Home StreamLight What Is The Best Holster Style? (Level 1 vs 2)

What Is The Best Holster Style? (Level 1 vs 2)


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  1. I mean those look cool…but if I’m running errands, I’m not even looking at wearing all that bulk. maybe if I was going to war…lol

  2. Any suggestions for a holster . For a glock 19 I need one that could fit with my light/reddot with no problem . Sometimes I be switching my slides back to my regular slide . So wanna be able holster both

  3. Clint your doing very good Buddy. Nice form , very clean, your putting in time. I was watching the day your gun flew out onto the ground in that live training course running and gunning. That was a hard day . Thanks for being real Man.

  4. OK Clint wanna pick your mind and anybody else that wants to chime in currently going to use a Glock 45 for my CNC been considering a vest what holster would you recommend for this particular gun. OK I’m not gonna run a light or a red dot on it just stock iron sights also considering getting the 365X macro in my arsenal but for now what holster is great for the Glock 45 any insight from you or other experienced owners would be helpful thanks

  5. Clint another great video as always have been watching for some time. Keep up the good work planning on moving down to North Carolina. Maybe we'll run into each other Gary

  6. Getting ready to get my first handgun I live in Vegas needless to say it's pretty crazy here but watching alot of your videos and they really do help narrow the choices down this one really helped with holster selection really like that type 2 since Nevada is open carry think the type 2 will work for me keep up the good work it really does help

  7. After wasting unpteen amounts of money on cheap holsters I finally bought a tier 1 and woulda saved so much just buying that to begin with. Axis slim is far and away best most concealable comfortable holster for any gun. Hands down

  8. I carry a sig m17 with light and red dot in a safariland 6354 drop leg holster for work. I train as often as I can afford to and do matches where I'm routinely top 10. My conceal is a 1911, im no boomer I just like it, next gun is a sig 365

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