Home AR-15 Great Lakes Firearms AR15 Pistol 7.5″ ( White Cerakote ) 223 Wylde…...

Great Lakes Firearms AR15 Pistol 7.5″ ( White Cerakote ) 223 Wylde… Disappointing to say the least


Made this video to share my experience with the purchase of this Great Lakes Firearms AR15. I was on classic firearms website and came across this white cerakote AR pistol, with it being a 7.5″ I was interested to add to collection. Upon arrival I really liked the finish, but the quality was a little questionable. Took it to the range to get a feel for it but it wouldn’t properly chamber a round, causing too malfunction completely and was unable to get off a single shot. Sent back to manufacturer for repair. Kinda bummed tbh I was excited about this firearm but all the hype went out the window with the failures smh.

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  1. May the force be with you. 👀👍 I bought a Daniel Defense. I got a great deal on it. Then months later. My arms dealer got federally arraigned on illegal arms trafficing which has nothing to do with Daniel Defence. But the rifle fully met my expectations.

  2. Have this pc of shit, round doesn't fully go into battery. When the bolt almost closes, doesn't fire of coarse, the round is stuck with the bolt. When I have to force it out, the projectile and shell casing has gouges from the feed ramp. First findings included the gun finish has dripped all over the bolt carrier and the bolt assembly.

  3. I recently worked for these guys and I’m sorry you even bought one of their rifles. The machining is a joke and they willingly put out this garbage quality product with a high price because of the fancy cerakote. Almost every lower has disgusting machine markings. They’re a greedy company and I don’t know how they can put their face on their rifles. People need to stay away and just go to PSA or BCA for a budget build. The fact BCA stomps these guys in quality just goes to show how terrible they are. They don’t even have a QC department. I was fired because the orders were slowing down. Maybe it’s coming back to bite them!

  4. Bro I'm so glad I caught your Video cause I was about to buy the Great Lakes GL 15, but after hearing your story and also heard a story that Great Lakes sent a pallet of Rifles to a Gun store and that gun store had to send 80% of the guns back because they were Completely missing parts. The guns weren't complete missing firing pins and shit. So I just wanted to say Thank you for Alerting All of Us to what Happened to you, and your video is probably Saving people's Lives and Their Sanity. Lol Have a Good One & God Bless Bro!

  5. It looks nice but there's nothing worse than buying something that you might need to protect yourself and your family and it don't do the one main thing it's suppose to do. Nevermind the accuracy

  6. Sorry to hear your problems with the gun man ! I just bought mines in the cherry color way and it went through 200 shots right out the box hope you come out with another update on this one !

  7. That sucks. You'll get it right. Pay no attention to some of the comments expecting you to know how to diagnose and fix it. We are all on a journey and firearms are no different. Personally, it puts a smile on my face to see people taking the initiative and responsibility to exercise their 2nd amendment right however they see fit. The more people that join the ranks of law abiding Americans who choose to own firearms the better. Its no wonder our second amendment is under such attack, and so many out there make so many mistakes or stay away completely and get talked into the other side when anyone who takes the time to learn is ran off and shamed for lack of knowledge by these armchair delta force operator wannabes instead of being welcomed and taught with respect by others in the know. I swear there are snobs in every hobby. No one is allowed to be a beginner, or intermediate. No one is allowed to have a budget…You are only allowed to be a Navy seal operator with confirmed kills in the GWOT, be night vision capable, have stock piled 30k rounds of ammo, and have a lvl 4 chest rig with 7k hours of training and at least 20k worth of equipment, its ridiculous. Most Americans don't have the time or resources to be so tacticool as some of these commentary or guntubers. As far as I'm concerned a gun is better than no gun. A rifle is better than a pistol. Training is better than no training. More ammo is better than less ammo. We should do and learn as much as we can and be as safe and responsible as we can. Bring as many people to 2a as we can with respect and patience remembering at one time we all didn't know anything. Then maybe we can keep this great country as it has always been. Take care.

  8. maybe you're twirling it around like a baton, too much, it might be dizzy…..instead of calling it "white shit", remove the bcg, disassemble it & see if it's functioning, drop a round in bbl to ck headspace, clean chamber & bbl…..ya didn't do any of that, just complain like a baby, that will fix it!

  9. I’ve cycled about 200 rounds through mine, had one jam on my first magazine, nothing since. Heard they have more bad than good ones though. Guess I’m lucky with mine. Hope yours works out bro! Goodluck!

  10. Same thing happened to mine, swapped the bolt carrier out of my Aero Precision and tried it in it, and it ran flawlessly. Bad bolt carrier group. Emailed them last week told them what was going on with it, told them I thought it was in the bolt carrier group, the bolt head was very sticky feeling. Told them I was going to try one of bcg's out of one of my other ARs. They told me to let them know what happened. Well today I went out, rifle jammed about 5 times in one 30 round mag, it would fire and eject but would not fire after it reloaded, would have to beat the charging handle do extract the round. Switched out bcg with my Aero Precision bcg and it ran flawlessly. I sent them a email tonight informing them it has a bad bcg.

  11. Same thing happen with mines i didn’t know I bought 223 manufactured bullets 🤦🏽‍♂️ in a 556 . Bought 2 boxes of highest 556 every round with thru no hiccups bro my case was the bad ass ammo

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