Home AR-15 AK vs AR | Tactical Rifleman

AK vs AR | Tactical Rifleman


We have a lot of Subscribers that are AK-47/74 fans. We have a lot of Subscribers that are hard core M-16/AR-15 fans. Everyone knows their rifle is the best. Itโ€™s like listening to Pro Football fans debating โ€œBest Teamโ€ while tailgating.
So, Letโ€™s put these two iconic rifles to the test, head to head. I put my best AK guy up against my best M-4 guy. We had a little fun filming this. I hope you have fun watching the test. No cheating. No stacking the deck. No, resetting the camera for a โ€œsecond take.โ€ What you see is what really happened.
Of course, I was cheering for my personal favorite. The AK is great, but the โ€œAmerican Classicโ€ AR family of rifles is still the fastest and most accurate battle rifle on the planet.

Let the games begins. TR

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  1. The Russian rifle withstands all conditions, is easy to clean, and rarely breaks down, but lacks accuracy of aiming, and this is the most important thing that the accuracy of aiming is poor compared to the M16 and AR

  2. When an AR guy does a compariosn videoโ€ฆwhat a fuckin fan boi dude dosnt know shit about aks because if he has extensive real life experience using and training them hed know that those guns if both built well (which aks can be just like ars can be built like shit) that the ak can be just as accurate if its well bult and way more fuckin reliable then an ar ever will be

  3. AK 47 will always be more reliable and easier to clean. Iโ€™ve had all 3 AR I own jam and give me problems if I donโ€™t clean them after 200 rounds. My AK has never failed me after 1000 rounds. I just cleaned my AK after 2 years seriously only because I didnโ€™t want to strain the bolt.

  4. Ak is more beginner friendly imo ars are a nightmare if your a beginner and the recoil really isnโ€™t that big of a difference if you can handle a ar you can handle an ak the 3 ars I shot all jammed and the damn bullets wouldnโ€™t load sometimes when youโ€™d cock it the 2 aks i shot no issues whatsoever cock and shoot away it was just more simple and easy to pick the gun up and shoot it without any problems

  5. The AKs only advantage was that it was cheap and readily available. But the last conflict in Ukraine shows that it's not any more. The price of an Ak for civilians in Ukraine rose from $700 to 2,5K. Now, when you get in that price range, there is no sense in buying an AK. Get an AR, since the prices for ARs have not risen that much. AR is a modern weapon system, while AK is an outdated 1940's piece of heavy crap. We here in Ukraine are using both systems and personally, everyone prefers AR, when they get one and no one wants to go back to their rusty old AK.

  6. The AR is more modern and easier to be accurate when the pressure isnโ€™t on. Itโ€™s also has more style and waaay more fun to shoot paper at the range. And Thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m an AK guy ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  7. Now considering this is purely a drill, a lot of these times are irrelevant. This is sports shooting. It's good to practice these regardless.

  8. Comparing a weapon designed at the end of WW2 with one designed in the middle of the cold war. It's amazing that they were that close. I wonder what the results would be if you switched shooters. Assuming the test was fair, if the differences are this close, it's not going to make a difference which one you chose. Maybe if you do an old west style shootout where you walk 20 paces, do a mag reload, and then turn and face each other ๐Ÿ˜ Then this is relevant, and I would pick the AR every time. But if it was freezing rain outside, I would stick with the AK.

  9. I'd like to see this done with a Yugo AK with bolt hold open mags. Slap the safety up to lock the bolt, swap the mag, then drop the safety instead of a full manual charge each time. It looks like the bolt hold open on the AR was giving it a slight edge in a lot of drills. The AK also does take longer to switch mags due to the rocking lock, but that can't really be helped.

  10. I'm not an expert, nor do I live in the US where I can get my hands on a self loading rifle above .22 (without obtaining a UK Section 5 firearms licence), But I think that bolt lock open gives the AR the edge as you can easily drop the bolt a soon as a fresh magazine is inserted, rather than having to rack the bolt back with the AK

  11. I'd like to see 2 guys that are equally experienced in both platforms run each drill twice, trading off weapons so its not a contest of whose is a better faster shooter with the rifle they were given. It would even the playing field

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