Home AR-15 PSA Sabre Review: Premium AR-15 Performance on a Budget?

PSA Sabre Review: Premium AR-15 Performance on a Budget?


PSA is synonymous with budget builds, but can this affordable juggernaut offer a premium AR-15 series? We test out the new Sabre line to find out.

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  1. The 20” looks well under gassed. Not sure why? The 14.5” still looks under gassed but not as bad as the 20”. Interesting as I would assume the ports would be the same.

  2. I ordered from Palmetto for my first Ar-15 and they canceled my order. I bought along with it are some extra mags and ammo (which were delivered 😂) to test it because i was going to get it send straight to FFL that is also my range guy. Well, i guess it’s a sign that i shouldn’t be ordering anything from Palmetto anymore, im disappointed they didn’t even contact me about it being canceled. Thanks for delivering the ammo and i got no AR to shoot it with 😅😂.

  3. I’ve owned a couple of PSA guns and both had to be sent back for warranty repair because right out of the box they had defects that QC should have spotted before ever leaving the factory

  4. The thing that pisses some range rats off about PSA is that someone can buy a firearm for under a K and can go out and run it and have fun and not care about comments as to why they made a mistake for not spending 2k or more on a platform. Then again they are same people who put A1 on a $40 steak.

  5. I have been debating which one to get the forged or Billet, the 13.5 or the 16 or the 20 inch. Also which rail to get and so on and so on. Too many to choose from. I wish I had someone's video to view that had all the various ones from PSA so I could make up my mind

  6. Best review I've seen on these new rifles, thank you! TulAmmo failures look to potentially be an under gassing issue? Would have been a good opportunity to show case the adjustable gas block on the 20".

  7. You can't use steel case ammo in 223 wylde chambers. You WILL have problems one way or another. I used to shoot a ton of steel case ammo and after a mountain of headaches I finally said no more. Definitely made me really good at clearing malfunctions though.

  8. My .300BLK PSA had very similar malfunctions. I noticed when you were firing from the prone, it failed to lock back on the empty mag. Could be the ammo, however it was ejecting all of the rounds towards the 4-5 o’clock position. On mine, it turned out the gas port wasn’t aligned properly from the factory, causing it to be under-gassed. That might explain why the rifle ran better when perfectly clean. Less friction. Might be something to check if you run into issues in the future. I’d be willing to bet it’s ever so slightly under-gassed.

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