In this video Chase covers the lessons learned from his first night vision class and what he changed on his night fighting rifle after the class. He covers power authority, sling management, and bio-mechanical efficiencies. Check the links below to see the products he updated to:
Learn more at: www.eotechinc.com/thermal-night-vision
Edger Sherman Design ESD Sling:
Unity VFG:
Unity AXON:
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Drop the OGL already
The good gospel of Goon Tape and CamoForm. Ever since seeing those and trying them, I'm hooked. Cable management, heat mitigation, better grip, more comfortable touch. So good. Everyone should buy a roll and try it out. No more cable management MLOK bolt ons, zip ties, Velcro for pressure pads. Nothing. Just hold it where you want it and wrap. Done. Clean. Zero snag hazards.
Follow up question-
Will the OGL have vis laser override like the NGAL and DBAL?
By the time the OGL's available I may be a passive aiming master but nothing else is close to convincing me to buying…
Nice build but were still waiting on that civie OGL to release
Elbit vs gen3 is 3 worth an extra$1000 in a pvs-14?
What's with the diaper on the handguard? That looks absurd!
Larping, fantasy nonsense
I have 0 intentions of getting into NV . I've been using EXPS3 since 2013 and it's by far my favorite. I can shred targets in 2Gun matches. I have it paired with MICRO triplier . I'll eventually get Unity FTC and Unity RISER MOUNT. I've been using YHM 1/2" Riser for 7 years. Best 25 bucks I've ever spent lol.
Centurion CM4 Custom 13.7 MIDWEIGHT HF with YHM TURBO K on DA428 ADAPTER & PW Keymo . I run my EXPS3 with MICRO Triplier on this rig .
I've been using Centurion CM4 and Colt M4A1 Block II as my 2 go too rigs for a very very long time . Neither one has let me down and I trust them with my life . My Block II has TA31CH-G.
I'm a huge fan of Cloud Rein Micro . I've tried just about all the good lights out there and Cloud Rein is what fits my application the best . I'll mkre than likely end up getting the 3.0 Heads .
My Block II has Cloud OWL . I wanted an absolute bomb Proof setup as my back up Rig . Thata why I went with tried and true Colt M4A1 BLOCK II , ACOG and Cloud OWL .
Centurion Standard and HF barrels are IMO among the absolute best. Monty uses a TAPERED bore that aids in insane accuracy. BA Hanson 556n and BA Hanson 223W Premium Black Series barrels I've been super impressed with for price and performance. Centurion and BA Hanson are my go too barrels for almost all of my builds..
Nice video bro
Better use silencer if it's too loud.
I want to upgrade my rifle with the civvy OGL. When y’all dropping that?
Any ETA for the CIV OGL?
You can get the cloud defensive light that plugs into a AXON switch now
VFG's do 5 things well, index, reduce fatigue using a boxer style grip, facilitate shooting up and down hill or under cars and off axis etc, barrier stops and monopods. Also I would move the sling back behind your hand, especially if you are shooting in up and down hill etc, its easy to get caught up on barriers and twisted for laser use etc.
Can you run goon tape over the rail directly without it melting?