Home AR-15 5 Mistakes New Rifle Owners Make

5 Mistakes New Rifle Owners Make


Lucas Botkin goes over the five most common mistakes new rifle owners make when purchasing accessories for their rifle.

00:00 Intro
02:11 Poor Sight/Optic Choice
08:40 Little to No Zeroing
15:43 Poor Weapon Lights
19:50 Ergonomics
25:35 Muzzle Brakes
28:21 Conclusion

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  1. First I was shocked watching a set of Channel-locks used to remove the flash hider, then I lost it when the new muzzle device was tightened with the same Channel-locks, but used completely ass backwards… Please tell me this was all done as a joke!

  2. That bit on the cheap optics hit me right in the feels. I mounted a $50 open reflex on an ultimak railed gas tube and learned the importance of paying for quality. 12 rounds was all it took to cook that thing.

  3. For a gun education company this guy talks down to new gun owners or 2nd amendment advocates. Who cares if they got into guns from Call of Duty, you don’t need to be putting them off by acting like you’re so much better than them.

  4. I bet I dumped nearly $1000 continuously replacing my cheap optics, rails, and grips, over the first 10 years I owned my AR. I've had about every setup imaginable, and even all of them at once. I finally got smart and started spending the extra on quality accessories. Suddenly, I didn't have to replace optics twice per year.

  5. I myself have a diamondback moderately upgraded. I wanna get that surefire silencer you have but I’m more focused on getting some sort of bipod. What do you think of that? I seen some cheap ones but I’m smitten on that mag pull bipod have you used those?

  6. As a new ar owner your videos have been the most informative and straightforward with a little bit of comedic smartassery thrown in. I'll be watching everything you have. Great video

  7. My first build had an NC Star from the crossroads of the west gun shows🤣🤣🤣🤣
    First time at the range and it would not hold adjustments. Thing was all over the place!
    Now they all have Trijicon,Aimpoint,Leupold,or good old fashioned flip up iron Troy Industries…. Save and buy the best instead of being cheap and buying crap and then buying something better after the crap dies and spending more money than if you would have bought the best one the first time.

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