In today’s video, we will be comparing the performance of the 350 Legend and the 450 Bushmaster on mild steel. The results were definitely not what I was expecting. Testing was setup at 50 yards using A529 gr 55 mild steel. Thanks for watching!
Testing: 2:53
*These tests are meant for entertainment and educational purposes only. Shooting steel can be dangerous, so do not try any of these tests at home!
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“But anyway” not “anyways” like chewing with your mouth open. This makes your videos difficult to watch. Great otherwises. Lol.
Weld a Groove to slide the plates
So a larger diameter projectile has to punch through more steel than a smaller one. Logically it would have to be moving faster.
Run the 350L, 450BM and 50 Beo, all have different setups for various hunting reasons. All are fun for obvious reasons.
Just wrap a bungie cord around it!!
I just got an AR upper in 450 Bushmaster. I got it to hunt whitetails and not steel. Just because the 350 went through steel says alot about how the bullet didn't expand.
I was gonna say that those magnetics aren’t going to make it, wasn’t wrong.
Try 450 Bushmaster, 220 grain Lehigh Xtreme defense from Underwood ammo. Also, sectional density counts more than bullet weight for penetration.
THANK GOODNESS Deer, Elk and Hogs don't wear 1/4 steel plates. 450….bam.
Try this with some western hunting rounds. You'll have to step up the thickness of the steel though. You might even have to use hardened steel like grader blades, too.
Rather than be upset about the magnets you should have just used some high tech duct tape.
I wonder if Lehigh Defense Xtreme Penetrator would get through.
450 bushmaster with fort scott 250 gn tui should pass through the steel
Penetration, does not kill (it does but you have to be very accurate ) , Tissue damage and traumer does and last time I checked STEEL was not a knowen food stuff , niether does it have tissue , or is it, a direct threat to human life (without outside forces) so why would you care how much steel something will go through?
Still waiting for the .22 hornet vs .600 nitro express challenge.
Zip ties might work. Heavy ones. I love my .350 legend ar barrel….20inch stainless bca works amazing! I guess I know which to choose if I find a deer wearing quarter inch of steel. Or maybe the infamous Kevlar wearing deer Biden keeps mentioning.

How about a comparison of 444 marlin vs. 4570. Just thought it would be neat to see what the difference is. Thank you. John Gibson.
angle the plates back a little bit in the sled so they dont jump out as easy?
magnets dont like impact as you know now lol
How about a 300 rum or 30-378 with 150 or 165 grain fmj!? I predict maybe the 1 inch. It's all about speed! Do it!
Your using the wrong bullets for steel penetration in the 450. I can promise you the 450 is a far superior round to the 350. I killed my moose with one shot at 260 yards with my 450 and a 300gr sst. It passed through. He took 5 steps and tipped over dead.
Shooting Deer not the same as steel. Used both and if you want to down one like a hammer use the 450 bushmaster. If you are weaker or recoil shy then go with the toned down 350 Legend.
I know what my 450 does to whitetail. Drops them faster than my 7mm mag did. Sticking with my 450
The magnets you are using are very brittle. Doesn't take much impact to fracture them.
Velcro heavy duty@
So does this mean if I shoot a Bigfoot wearing 1/4" mild steel armor, I'm gonna be in big trouble? I thought my .450 Bushmaster would for sure drop the big guy….