Home StreamLight Mounting Pistols to War Belts

Mounting Pistols to War Belts


COMPLETE War Belt Setup (LINKS) –


Recommended GEAR-

John’s War Belt Setup:
– War Belt –
– Magazine Pouches –
– Push Dagger –
– Blue Force Gear Micro Trauma Kit –
– Medical Supplies –
– CAT Tourniquet –
– Tier1 Kydex Holster –
– Safariland Drop Flex Adapter w/ Strap –
– Safariland QLS & UBL –
– Vertx gloves – 25% off with code WARPOET

– Safariland Level III ALS Retention Holster –
– Safariland Mid Ride –
– Safariland Low Ride –
– Safariland High Ride –

Don Edwards –
Sam Houston –
Jon “Mochabear” Dufresne –

SUPPORT the Channel –


VERTX (25% off code WARPOET) –
Fiocchi –
Tier1 Concealed Holster –

There are a lot of options when mounting a pistol to a war belt or battle belt. As always, each person should consider what their context is and what they are trying to accomplish. Some competitors want a small drop for an easier draw stroke, but not so low that it changes the index point of the gun during movement. Many folks on tactical teams want to drop the holster lower for the same reason a competitive shooter would, but also they are trying to clear their body armor. Plate carriers can impede drawstrokes and lead to snagging when the operator is leaning (very obnoxious). A really low drop could be a good idea for some if they are sitting in a vehicle. A no-drop configuration is great when the shooter wants to ensure the pistol is always indexed in the same location (as opposed to moving with the leg) for a fast and consistent draw. This also can eliminate some chaffing problems on the leg.

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  1. Is there anyway to secure the QLS in addition to just letting it slide in? Also, if I don’t need the detach system but I like how it pushes it out farther from my vest, is there a spacer I can use?

  2. Anybody have any opinion on a no- drop holster being ok for concealed carry? Winter carry (concealed) with a battle belt and everything under a jacket or hoodie? Any thoughts?

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