Home StreamLight Best Pocket Carry EDC Flashlights – Nitecore EDC27 vs Olight Arkfeld vs...

Best Pocket Carry EDC Flashlights – Nitecore EDC27 vs Olight Arkfeld vs Streamlight Wedge


You can pick up these flashlights and support the channel using these affiliate links!

Nitecore EDC27
Olight Arkfield + Coupon US10
Streamlight Wedge

00:00 Intro
01:12 Nitecore EDC27
02:19 Olight Arkfeld
03:11 Streamlight Wedge
03:46 Beamshots

Watch the YT Shorts here –

Thanks to Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio for the music!

#everydaycarry #edc #flashlight

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  1. Awesome comparison! I'm warming up a bit to this form factor but still can't get past the non-removable battery. The Nitecore in particular is really cool looking though

  2. This is great to see, man! It’s also nice seeing you get your hands on the more difficult flashlights to acquire! I could be mistaken, but I hardly had these flat/rectangular-form flashlights on my radar until fairly recently. I guess I’ve been out of the flashlight loop! Not going to lie… I use my phone flashlight quite a lot but do always have a Surefire P2ZX Fury Combatlight on me. I did recently invest in the rechargeable Surefire CR123 batteries with charger. Pricey, but I like having rechargeable! These lights are so nice for their cost and each one really does have its ideal user. I could be “old-school”, but I really dig lights that are full-power essentially all the way until the battery is about shot. I wonder if these lights that are full-power for around 30 seconds have that function every time they’re powered on or is it only once per charge that you get that full-power 30 seconds. Interesting! Great production, sir. Some of these run-times are impressive!

  3. I just wish the Wedge had a third, lower setting. Then it would be perfect. The button on the Arkfeld is too hard to press with a flat thumb to me. You have to angle your thumb to press it properly.

  4. hey bro, would you consider trading your olight 3 light the tactical one , i have 250$ worth of blades/etc willing to trade here , i am tracking down a tactical light with a #21700 batt. with strobe via trade though , can you help me out any ? , talk soon bro > tom !

  5. None of these make my short-list for EDC flashlights. Non-replaceable batteries is a dealbreaker; each one is ultimately doomed to become a paperweight. That may not be for ten years (assuming all three use high-quality cells), but is certain nonetheless. They are also all somewhat large in the pocket, flat or not.
    I will accept at face value that all three are high quality flashlights, unlikely to fail even in "rough" use. Any of them might be a good choice for a purpose-chosen "work" flashlight, although even there only the Arkfeld stands out due to its laser pointer.

  6. Streamlight Wedge for me. Far from ideal, but the best of the breed; currently. And, I would include the SureFire Stiletto, and Stiletto Pro models in this category. Have those two as well. Both are ridiculously slippery if there's even a bit of moisture on your hands. Ironically the Stiletto is a bit better with grip than the Pro version. The Nitecore is just too big overall. And, not a fan of the dual tailcap design where one tailcap is raised above the other one. Stopped being a fan of Olight when they switched to their magnetic tailcap system. I own automatic watches, wear them on my left wrist. My main light is always clipped to my left side pants pocket. Don't need my watches getting instantly magnitized on me.

  7. Very nice., I have used all three companies and I truly think that Olight is the best with Customer support… I use the ARKFIELD and do enjoy the laser which when you are checking your property is nice because folks don't know if it is attached to a pistol.. and the light is easy to attach on the bill of a hat if looking under the hood of your car. It carries so easy and not bulky

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