Home AR-15 Now He Wants To Ban AMMO??? New Biden Administration Plan To Ban...

Now He Wants To Ban AMMO??? New Biden Administration Plan To Ban Ammo


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In this episode:

Control freaks carrying guns to anti gun rallies

NJ’s Bruen response law smacked down

Now He Wants To Ban Ammo?!?

Carry an EFFIN’ tourniquet!!!

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  1. He will learn, it will never work. We the 2nd Amendment Pro Gun People , have the The settled, determination, Heart of a Lion, to prevail over these people. Good always Wins in the End. Biden Administration…. You will never Control us, You will Never force us into your Klaus Schwab , World Economic Forum Agenda.

  2. As biden would say ' we need to treetop on the snowflake because car wheels are twrellers in the space of an eye. Because paint is always on the shoe.
    Also the time to act is in the penguin , abd god bless the um um um um you thank very much. I have to go to the bathroom.

  3. REMEMBER everyone… "WE/OUR RIGHT'S/the 2A/Firearm YouTube's" etc… Are in the FIGHT of not only OUR LIVES but for our children, our children's children, & our … Well, you get what I'm saying! So be sure to start using the following HashTags everywhere!
    #AbolishTheATF #RepealtheNFA #AbolishTheIRS #AbolishTheFBI #openyoureyesamerica #WakeUpAmerica #EnoughIsEnough #fightforyourrights #2a #WeThePeople #shallnotbeinfringed #bottomline #enoughsaid #pistolbrace #courthearings #sbtactical #SB3 #sba4

  4. Fight with your words and vote while you still can. There is a reason they are hiring thousands of feds. They fully intend to disarm citizens. It's not going well and we need to demand that Congress and the Supreme Court stop all of this immediately.

  5. It is time to wake up!

    Gun control is hitting the target where you aim!

    What is needed is criminal control, with so many Soros backed 'prosecutors' that apply "Catch & Release" to every criminal, is it any surprise that those criminals turn around & continue to be a plague on society? The only way to establish law & order is to help the criminals realize that there is NO benefit in being a criminal, by stopping any & all plea bargains!

    Criminals should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law (BTW if a gun is used in the commission of the crime another five years should be tacked on to the judgment! If anyone is shot during the commission of the crime there should be another ten years added to the judgement! If anyone is murdered during the commission of the crime the criminal should forfeit their life {God had it right all along! Read; Exodus21:24; Leviticus 24:20; Deuteronomy 19:21; & Matthew 5:38. The execution should be televised so anyone traveling down that forsaken road will reconsider where that road leads! Just incase you didn't know, prison is NOT suppose to be a country club. Chain gangs should be re-established to provide work for the prisoners & a minimum wage for their needs. (They should be held accountable for all of their actions in & out of prison!)

  6. Guys. Get over it. They do this every time. Bog down the courts and civil systems with unconstitutional bs. Distract men with 2a, wemon with roe vs. wade. While they launder money into unidentified accounts.

  7. Any and all who try to pass anything against are CONSTITUTIONALLY RIGHTS TO BEAR ARMS ARE COMMITING
    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, TREASON ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  8. There is always foreign ammo that can be bought, make your own ammo from gun powder from fireworks, and melting down lead tire weights or fishing weights, or like the criminal element get ammo at 5 finger discount.

  9. Soon everything will be banned even knives we will be like that shit hole “the lesser Britain “ because the American people are weak and pussies. The American people refuse to fight but willing to send money to the corrupt politicians and government. Our country has been down for decades ago. It’s not coming back

  10. There is a 100+ million of us and only a few million of them! 30 to 1 is bad odds for them, yet only a handful of us have the balls to stand against this tyranny. It's a call to arms and you all better sack the f*ck up and answer it! I better see thousands of you in the streets tomorrow or just throw your man card in the fire!

  11. "Let your enemy be your quartermaster. Steal his spears and arrows, and use them to arm your soldiers. Drive off his cattle, and use them to feed your troops. By doing this you deny him the use of these things, and shorten your own supply lines." Sun Tsu – "The art of war"

  12. Banning ammo would be even harder than banning guns. Never going to happen. Been shooting for near 50yrs or since I was 7yrs old and they tried to ban ammo before with sanctions and other schemes. All this may cause is ammo prices to spike and all the Gougers will buy up everything and try to sell it for 10 times the cost on auctions sites etc.

    Its why I always keep about 20k rounds of the caliber's that I shoot or use. As again its the price gougers that will be the biggest problem. All these idiots like Clinton, Obama and whoever will do is cause panic buying by all the noob gun owners will panic and buy up everything for really high prices and when things calm down (as they always do) they regret the purchase and try to sell em.

    Again all types of bans and ban scares so many times. Biden will just cause a shortage than a huge overstock of guns and ammo etc. Lifelong member of the GOA and NRA. Best all of you can do is join up, donate and most important call and write your state and federal reps. Don't just whine about it join the fight as its never ending.

  13. Lt Dan I brought you some ice cream! 😂 We need better leadership buddy that care for us citizens. Our leadership used to love us armed citizens to defend our nation an freedoms… Countries be scared to invade and we are proud of it💪🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 all this money wasted on control instead of defense budgets too… Our forefathers are shaking they're heads an waving fists. Sad days with more sad days ahead…. If the house/congress can't see what is written stating in multiple accounts not to mess with the citizen gun rights per second amendment/etc accounts…. With H.J. Res. 44 as a step back towards the right direction because winning the faith of our countries citizens should be priority #1! I'd rather all gun rights be restored to the citizens of our great nation! Should be able to own anything! Should be able to deputize any citizens willing to help this bad crime wave by enforcement of law per state/city logical law (no more shenanigan laws!). Law abiding gun owners is a very useful tool to a smart, free and for the people government…… I'd love to show you my great great great grandpa who fought the redcoats picture. To explain to him why he fought to even make us free if we are trying to become what we so desperately fought against to form 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 God Bless America!

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