Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues NRA-ILA | Minnesota: Legislature Adjourns from 2023 Legislative Session

NRA-ILA | Minnesota: Legislature Adjourns from 2023 Legislative Session


On Monday, the Minnesota Legislature adjourned sine die from its 2023 legislative session. This session, anti-gun lawmakers unfortunately managed to pass Senate File 2909, to further criminalize private transfers of firearms and to suspend Second Amendment rights without due process of law, which Gov. Walz signed into law last week.

Fortunately, action by NRA members and Second Amendment supporters resulted in lawmakers defeating a lead shot ban and also ensured that two beneficial provisions were included in an environment omnibus bill: to appropriate $600,000 for public shooting range improvements without any prohibitions on conventional ammunition, and to redefine muzzleloaders allowed for hunting to better include the modern muzzleloaders available on the market today. The environment omnibus bill was signed into law yesterday.

NRA will be back in St. Paul in 2024 to keep fighting for your Second Amendment rights. Please stay tuned to www.nraila.org and your email inbox for further updates.

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