Serbia Mass School Shooting
In America, anti-Second Amendment politicians are always telling us that we must ban AR-15s because they’re so dangerous. Yet, a 13-year-old was able to commit the same damage with a handgun as a 33-year-old former security guard armed with an AR-15.
Not only did a 13-year-old cause the same carnage using handguns, but he did it in a country with gun laws that are stricter than those in the US.
Our anti-2A politicians in the US want us to believe that if we let them pass what they like to call “common-sense reasonable gun laws,” they won’t try to go further if there’s another shooting.
However, we only need to look at what Serbia did in response.
Serbia already had all the gun laws our politicians are trying to pass, and more.
Serbians have started handing over firearms, ammunition, and “pieces of mines and explosive devices” following President Aleksandar Aleksandar Vučić’s May 5 announcement of “almost total disarmament.”
There is no such thing as common sense reasonable gun control because what they consider common sense and reasonable will forever be a moving goalpost.
Today they say banning AR-15s is reasonable. But handguns are used more than twice as often in mass shootings compared to AR-15s.
Once there’s another mass shooting, they will be telling us that banning handguns is common sense and reasonable, just like Serbia is doing now.
The irony is that the school shooter in Serbia didn’t acquire the guns because there wasn’t a law preventing him from obtaining them, the shooter stole the guns from his father.
Hypothetically speaking, if the shooter in Texas couldn’t get an AR-15 because they were banned, he would have used a pistol instead.
As we can see with the shooter in Serbia, who killed more people with a handgun than the shooter in Texas did with an AR-15, the carnage would have been the same.
Yes, Serbia doesn’t have as many mass shootings as the US, but they also have a fraction of the population.
There are over 300 million people in the US, while Serbia has 6 million.
It’s common sense to expect more shootings in a country with a significantly larger population comprising diverse ethnic groups, cultures, and beliefs living in close proximity to each other in densely populated cities, compared to a country where a major ethnic group makes up over 80% of the population.
Gun violence is a complex issue, which is why politicians try to oversimplify the solution by defaulting to gun control.
It’s understandable since gun control gives them exactly what they want—more control.
Realize that they will only stop trying to push gun control when they’re the only ones in control of the guns.
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Serbia homicide rate; 1.0/100,000
USA homicide rate; 6.4/100,000
Democrats : We're going to cut off their supply of guns.
Rationals : How about you stop the demand for guns.
You wont even charge the kid for 9 murders. What is this harsher penalty going to be, Use the wrong pronoun?
Capital hill has armed guards they have body guards armed are schools or gun free zone. We have this backwards capital hill needs to be a gun free zone. Our children need armed guards And body guards
Do you believe in any gun control?
This is the best opinion about this subject that i ever heard of
Magazine rounds with 15 rounds??? They are taking guns away around the globe as a small group of people strive to dominate global power, George Soros and his ilk are evil.
Serbia a country that just went through a long civil war is going to ban guns? Good luck
They've had two mass shootings,we have two a week

We have 40 years worth of media depicting high school as a social hellscape to the point where it’s just common knowledge and it’s only gotten worse with social media, and people wonder how could this happen in our schools??
I just watched a YouTube video on a snipper who did 33 kills in 3 months this video the 33 and a 13 year old and the other night watched another video with 33 tattooed on his neck then watched a Dutch farmer interview with the number 33 on shirt . Pray to God literally what's the chances of that.
Again proves criminals do NOT follow gun laws. Evil criminals will adapt to any weapon, all we can do is pray for protection and or fight back.
Reality Simulation will protect us
All 100% facts. Thank you colion!!! We need more people like you!
Government creates the problems then they become the saviors. Irony of Christianity
Handguns and machine buns are banned here in the UK and it hasn't stopped any crimes being carried out with them.
The fact the kid isn’t being charged and only his father is, is appalling
Hitler took their guns before he started killing the jews.
Mao, Stalin, Gaddafi, Saddam…
All the biggest villains in history, took the guns 1st.
Even back in the days of muzzleloaders, took those guns 1st.
Ban all pressure cookers. Jim BCC AZ
So true
This video is why there is no hope for the US. Sad how the US wants gun violence to keep happening.

Sorry for your kids who have to live in schools with active shooter training and hear about other kids dying endless times during their childhood. Living in fear, because their parents only truly feel free with guns.
Nonetheless I hope soon your grown up kids fix the mess you made with gun culture and make your schools safe again
So the mass shooter ignores the law and doesn’t even get a criminal charge, and the Serbian President responds by stripping all guns from the law-abiding? I’m ashamed of my homeland today, I only hope they stand up to that tyranny and refuse to comply.