Home AR-15 “We’re in Crisis”: Texas Democrats Demand Gun Control After Another AR-15 Mass...

“We’re in Crisis”: Texas Democrats Demand Gun Control After Another AR-15 Mass Shooting Kills 5


Texas authorities have arrested the suspect in last week’s mass shooting in the town of Cleveland and are charging him with five counts of murder. Police say Francisco Oropesa killed five neighbors in the home next door, including a 9-year-old child, after the family asked him to stop firing his AR-15-style rifle in his yard because it was keeping a baby awake. Texas Governor Greg Abbott drew backlash after the shooting for referring to the victims as “illegal immigrants,” for which he later apologized. “His goal is to dehumanize people,” Texas state Senator Roland Gutierrez says of Abbott, adding that the governor has done nothing to stem gun violence and easy access to weapons. “Republican policies across this country have led to a very loose gun policy that allows just about anybody, and certainly in Texas, to go find a weapon like an AR-15 with impunity.”


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  1. The fascist GOP and the "Fascist America Party" (formerly the Republican Party) are the ones whose hands have the blood of innocent people on them because these fascists make money selling weapons. That is why they are against tightening gun laws. The fascist GOP and the "Fascist America Party" are the mass murderers and racial haters of modern times, against whom the citizens of the United States must defend themselves by fighting them.

  2. We need to demand treating violent people very harshly!! There should not be any violent offenders in prison, not one!! These things should not be!! PERIOD!!

  3. Have fun banning 3d printers and cnc machines, whilst also having to monitor the dark web for gun files.. this will never stop. Start focusing on this mental health issue crisis. Don’t take away an elderly man’s only right to self defense.

  4. Like someone in these comments said, those were human beings. Crime is crime and murder is murder! Why is someone allowed to shoot in the night ? I don’t get it!

  5. Leave the country if you don’t like our constitutional rights and the freedom to protect yourself and family. We don’t want you here anyway. We’re never giving up our guns so find other ways to protect people

  6. I think the word democracy is being used way too much to the point we have really forgotten what this country is. For those who don’t know it’s a constitutional republic.
    Brings to the question why trade 1 tyrant 3,000 miles away for 3,000 tyrants 1 mile away. An elected official and your neighbor can easily trample your own individual rights as a king can.

  7. People are living in a pressure cooker. One designed to destroy our humanity. So hard to see other's suffering past your own. Unable to afford a future, leaves one bleak at best. Funny how EVERY SINGLE SHOOTER HAS DECIDED TO USE THE EXACT SAME GUN. THE EXACT SAME GUN THAT POSES COMPITITION TO GOV THREAT. Same threat earned it's own amendment. Just like free press. Both are vital. Both are under attack. Why? I'm afraid we are too far from our own history, dooming us to allow a repeat. We know not the amount v suffering we are both funding and facilitating for our children to endure with their children. Our grandbabies will simply be collateral. Just like the INSANITY we spread when we choose to limit ourselves to only 1 v 2 points v view. I'm born and life long South Texan. I have 2 grandbabies living in Mexico. Answer the whys to root out the lies. I've heard 'Only a fool argues against the truth…' or the like. We celebrate and elect fools to REPRESENT us. Why?

  8. When are we going to actually try to fix the real problem? Current laws aren't being enforced and we want more? SMH. This guy was a known criminal that had been deported numerous times, yet here he is.

  9. The mass shootings will increase until they take your guns….they demolished the twin towers with 1000s of people ….the ones that didn't know it was going to happen…. they did that to have a reason to tell the dumb people wht they are going into Iraq to kill more millions of innocent people…. they have no problem organising mass shootings to get the public to back gun control…… in every case….the families immediately call for gun control….. and who knows….maybe all lies like the dead astronauts who turned up alive decsdes later….media is there to construct your reality….. I have no doubt most mass shootings are set up…either all lies….or real casualties but set up like in Australia and NZ….. people died but the shooters were not who they say and they took all our guns…..don't give up your guns

  10. okay here goes a mind breaker … If the 2nd Amendment right is an American right! then how else then besides a thorough identification process can you then verify that said gun buyer is American and not doing anything to harm American Citizens i mean the same criminality the militias and most Gun Rights Americans say is the reason for such a right to protect against tyrannical govt and a state gov body that is not adhering to 76% if it's own party state citizens in favour for more strict gun laws is tyrannical by definitions and very unrepublic

  11. This debate is useless. One can make 12 lower receivers for an AR in a day in your house out of a raw piece of aluminum. Pretty soon you will be able to make the whole thing at home.
    Too bad.

  12. OPINION: The Evil Elites, DemonRats and Soulless Left are the ones manipulating these shootings to promote taking our guns!!! They know it will be our end once they get our guns… Our last defenses… Our last protections… to their tyranny and treason… and control over us!!?!! They have finally taken over our justice system, so the guns are their last interference to complete control over us!!!

  13. This is so sad. I cannot believe that people think this is OK. Who gives a flying f*@K if the people were legal or not! These are human beings! One of them was a child. People are so disgusting!

  14. So AR problem or illegal people problem . Drinking problem or alcohol on shelfs problem . Speeding problem or cars being sold problem . Mental health problem or lack or help problem . Diabetes a problem or burger joints on every corner problem .

  15. They will never impose more sanctions on guns, because owing guns and able to defend youself is part of the American fabric.
    Furthermore all the people listening to Fox news 24/7 about blacks and imigrants being the greates threat to their lives will lose their ish if they were to impose stricter gun control laws. 😂😂😂

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