In this episode of TFBTV, @Hoplopfheil recaps his trip to the CMMG facility and range in Boonville, MO to shoot the new variants of the CMMG Dissent PDW. New for 2023, CMMG is expanding the Dissent lineup to include longer barrel lengths in 5.56 and .300 Blackout, as well as 9mm uppers in short and long barrel lengths using their radial delayed blowback system. You can also use the 9mm uppers on most of CMMG‘s lowers, which means yes it does take Glock mags (so don’t ask).
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Thank you, Hop, for swapping out those BS "upgraded" parts and testing it with MilSpec parts instead and showing that they work just fine. This has been one of my hang-ups with getting a Dissent. It isn't a precision rifle that is meant to be shot from a static position. It's more for dynamic shooting on the move. I don't want a light one-stage trigger that might lead to an accidental discharge. I just want a simple MilSpec trigger that's sturdy and reliable.
9mm.?.?. ? The mag says otherwise
Those eyebrows, wow!
The TriggerTech ARD is an awesome trigger.
F the ATF
I don’t see the point of 9mm sub guns anymore when we now have 300 blackout which is way more effective.
LOL "YAY GIRL!!!!!! @ 3:27
trigger slap is something that i have heard boomers complain about online but after shooting literally hundreds of guns, I have never once actually had a problem with it.
They have a 10mm option, right?
subsonic 5.7? isnt that uhhhhhh basically a 22lr?
Cmmg wants 1449 schmeckles for a 300 blk upper. At that price I’d rather buy a rattler upper conversion kit. I found one for 1381 schmeckles. Sigs upper comes with a trigger too.
I love the CMMG platform. It's a wonderful, compact, beautifully crafted, death delivery device. I would definitely want to own one in 9mm.
However, the main thing that kills me is it's pricing.
MPX: Finally, a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!
3:28 yay girl… pure vibe.
FM 5-7 subs, tell me more ways to make 22lr cost heaps
A weird forest green screen.
Is the Dissent in 300 BLK better than an MCX? Seems like they’d be about the same?
Love me some Hop, but this is too much data too fast, IMO. How 'bout a breakdown of the blackout, etc?
Can we just get it with scorpion mags already?
Only Hop would be happy making a gun worse and cheaper……
Thanks for the video.
I hope that we get a favorable ruling from SCOTUS and can have braces again soon. When that happens, the Dissent will be of more interest to me.
I do like the looks of these.
A folding stock but a ridiculously high sight riser mount – why are gun manufactures still so dumb ?
an ambi bolt release is the only ambi feature I care about yet it's the rarest by far … such is life
"I'm hoping to get my hands on one of those 9mm uppers." So for all you folks at home that fell for the "The NEW 9mm CMMG Dissent PDW" clickbait, you're in the wrong place.
If you are here in Washington you aren't gonna get any new uppers unless HB1240 is enjoined.