Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Dr. Jay Wellons, joins Morning Joe to discuss how AR-15 bullets impact the human body.
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#AR15 #GunControl #bullets
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will an AR ban include the police? or do they get to keep their guns? They will need them if ordered to round them up. Careful what you ask for, millions of the owners are responsible people. Hundreds have been used against bad guys to save other people, but you never speak about them huh?
There are about 20 million A.R. 15 style weapons in circulation in the United States of America. 0.0000001% of them get used in violence that is a abhorrent to us all. However, your solution is to disarm every law-abiding American citizen (who happens to be in possession of a second amendment that protects them from just such an act of government tyranny)?
bill clinton paid stormy$ 800000. to be quiet.hmmm..and he was cheating on hillary in the white house with monica
The operating ethos of cruelty in rhetoric, conduct, and behavior is part-&-parcel of the deplorable, facist, white nationalist, republicans.
Not giving up my guns. As a matter of fact i will be buying another as a result of this video.
make a video, make it graphic and realistic.
demand every politician npth active and aspiring wan it , uer duress if need bt
Come and take them
Well yeah. Fast projectiles cause hydrostatic shock and big temporary cavities, and will fragment if they're sufficiently small and fast enough. I keep all of these factors in mind for choosing ammunition. It's not shocking. I don't care
Joe Biden can declare a public health crisis and stop sales of these GUNS through executive order. Then let Supreme Court Override his executive order. (Show some backbone Joe.)
I know what they do they create a huge wound cavity
1) Banning every gun in the country wouldn't have stopped it because there are 400 million of them.
2)Background checks: shooter had all guns legally.
3)Assault weapon ban: shooter had a handgun. Our most deadly school shooting was done with a handgun.
4)High capacity magazine limitation: shooter had multiple spare mags and even w/ a 10 round limitation could have done this with no problem because they were all unarmed.
5)Age limitations: shooter was 28.
6)Gun free zone: school was already a gun free zone.
if a deer is hit by a ar15 bullet is there plenty good eating meat still left? Are children executed by ar15's displayed in open coffins?
Gotta stop these lgbtqg people to stop gunning down children. I'm not worried about a gun. I'm worried about irresponsible gun owners with mental issues like not understanding male/female.
I don't see a shooter.
I see many, just some of them are shooting down a more desperate shooter.
Banning military style weapons could allow a better chance of survival.
Bullets are different.
A bullet from a police handgun will typically travel below the speed of sound and its shape usually means it either stops inside the body or passes through, with the exit wound similar in size to the entry wound.
Military bullets travel at twice the speed of sound or more and have a different shape that, as Joe points out below, causes the bullet to tumble once it enters the body. This causes enormous, tearing damage to soft tissue and the exit wound has sometimes been described as "the size of a fist." To be clear, NOT a child's fist. The ER/trauma doctors faced with these wounds are basically trying to sew together a bunch of minced meat.
Expressing it this way makes my stomach churn, but this is truly dreadful stuff and for some reason the NRA wants it on our streets.
This, the actual damage that military bullets cause is seldom described, instead reporters say "military grade weapons" without knowing what it actually means in turn resulting in the audience not understanding what it actually means.
Gun safety and awareness is no joke in my family. Some people have no perspective. My 11 year old uncle (his name was Loren) was shot and killed by a mentally ill hunting partner/friend in 1963. He was squirrel hunting with this friend when his friend shot him in the chest with a .22. My grandma was planting pine trees along the tree line of a field about 1/2 mile away. When the friend came to tell her what happened she ran to him and she told the friend to go to the neighbors house to get them to get a car to drive him to the hospital in town. Instead he walked home and didn't say a word to his parents and acted like nothing happened. He ended up spending 5 years in a mental hospital and now lives in Green Lake. Weapons of war that are now cheaply available to anyone is only going to cause problems. Think people, don't use your own fear as justification for irresponsible gun proliferation.
Tumbling entry into the body is extremely damaging! The M-16 in my day was an effective weapon
It’s time for a gun reform.
How come she wrote a manifesto stating the first school she wanted to shoot up had to much security so she went on to the next.
I wish the parents would publish the autopsy photos like Emmet Till's mother did.. That would effect change.
Obesity does more damage lol
Here is the absolute idiocy of these morons. The ‘so called ‘ AR 15 bullet can be fired in many different guns not just the AR15. And the AR15 does NOT make these bullets go any faster, hit any harder, arrive any more accurately nor cause any more damage than when fired out of a bolt action rifle. But without false, misleading, inaccurate lies, headlines, and general misinformation where would the left be?
Imagine what a moderately powerful rifle cartridge can do the human body?
The .223 is an intermediate cartridge and compared to most rifle cartridges, it is one of the least powerful. Trying to paint this cartridge as something exceedingly dangerous when compared to other cartridges only fools the ignorant.
There sure seem to be a lot of those around.
Maybe it's time to show the pictures unfortunately
You should make this presentation on the floor of Congress so they can see what REALLY happens when their bullets hit someone! Both sides of congress.