Worst rifle scope on the planet , the ridiculous PINTY 4-16×50 rifle Scope/ Holographic Sight / Laser combo sight. The words to describe just how bad this scope is escapes me . But let me sum this review up with the grade of F- . Pitiful in every regard .
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looks like you never fired a shot to test your thesis????
Great product great service
This thing must be a piece of shit if u can buy it for 85 bucks on Ebay. They really should increase the price because nobody is 80sgonna buy an 85 dollar scope.
F – YOU BUDDY! I'm a flat believer and I wouldn't buy that hunk of junk to safe your life!
The scope is designed to have a grinding noise to let you know you’re turning the cap. The loud clicks were designed to be tactile in nature. I have 4 on order and would like to make you an offer on yours.
Alot of talk and opinion about looks, but no testing to see if it works. it was annoying.
i'll admit that i bought one back in 2019. i wanted a scope for a Daisy Red Ryder that i bought a scope mount for.
the Pinty was listed in a flash sale on Amazon for $19.99. i took it.
i stripped it out of the chassis and mounted it with some old weaver rings i had in a drawer. it actually did do good out to 50 yards but anything after that was a lost cause.
the chassis, mount and reflex sight i sold on ebay as "air soft reflex sight with parts" for $30.
the only really decent thing out of my ensemble was the laser pointer. super bight and does great for class lectures as a pointer.
ohh calm down pirate jack don’t hate because you got a defective one. Sounds like your lost your peg leg up your ass
Thank you for the video
Piss off , until you get your astronaut license!.
The one I got came with a Pez dispenser.
It's certainly a "unique" design – never seen anything quite like it – possibly a good thing. One 'attachment' I don't see is an air horn – maybe that will be included in the Mk. II version. As for that scope mount – it certainly saves on rings, but a roll of #9 fence wire might give more options. I suspect this comes from the same company that makes the "Hunter's Winter Disposable Bum Tissue Warming Pad" (seen at the local Dollar store). Friday did not start well, but this review gave me a good laugh, so the day has improved.
Buys cheapest scope he can just to talk trash lol
I was going to buy this scope for just a cheap no-frills option on my AR that I don't use much. Then I saw this review. I realized the error of my ways. Good grief – I almost bought this! Thank you for warning me.
So instead I sold my car to buy a $1000 scope like you recommended. I'm probably so much better now with a $1000 scope. Unfortunately, after selling my car, I wasn't able to get to work anymore and they fired me. My wife wasn't happy about this. She said something about going to see some cows or a bull or something. She's not a farm girl so not sure what she meant. She hasn't been back in a few months now and I'm starting to get worried. But at least I can see crystal clear in my optics!
This commentary is hilarious
Toothless broke crack hoe that said it ALL
What else would you expect from a scope that cost less than a box of ammo.
As a matter of fact the earth is flat

I use the red dot and laser on my AR…I have the scope mounted on a hi point 10mm carbine. It's not a $500 scope but it works for plinking.
I believe Tr tactical makes something like this. I was gonna get it.
Wyndmoor PA
Dude is as ignorant as his language! Leave out the profanity and so it want show your IQ
I’ve watched twenty reviews on these Pinty scopes, and this is the only negative one I’ve seen.
Straight up hater. Talking all that shit about it. Even if it’s not a great scope, why are you so mad?
Nah dog, you just a hater from A to Z. There are several differences between a cheap scope (pinty) and expensive one. Instead of truly and professionally pointing those out, you just trolled pinty in the lamest way possible. Bottom line, this video is so lame that I wished I could dislike it enough to make it disappear. Due to poor content like this there are many people totally mislead about scopes.
Those are like hi-points. cheap and effective.
Your's may suck, mine is perfect
must be made for those bbguns
Click bait. For 100 it does the job. You just a bad shooter
It's junk I have one and it's not worth the price and everything this guy is saying about this scope it is the truth it's today going to heavy too to put on any gun I don't care how big you are but once you carry something around in the woods that heavy it's no use to hunt anymore so I take it off my gun and got rid of it
It looks badass
its a good scope for the price
This scope is like Walmart bikes. It tries to have a super cheap price point with all the bells and whistles. If they had just focused on basic functionality instead of the additional crap they would have been way better off.
Would it be good for an airsoft gun
You know Cyclops, it would've been good if you SHOT the rifle using this scope. that would tell us if the Scope is good or a POS.
Pinty 3-9X40 Red Green Rangefinder Illuminated Optical Rifle Scope, your thioughts?
I, nor anyone else, should take the advice of a person who complains that the crosshairs were too bright , knowing full well that that was on it's highest setting. Dishonest. Furthermore the laser is adjusted by the screws up front. If you can't figure that out or are being dishonest again then , again, no one should be taking your advice.
Give me a Trijicon or Leupold any day. They are worth the money when it comes down to brass tax.
The Poor's love this optic
Would it be good for airsoft though?
Is this a good scope for the crossman shockwave
The earth is flat!!! And I traded my trijicons for these, they are the best!!

I have this scope and it's amazing dude what scope company paid you to down talk this scope
That scalloped edge of the scope bell is a last ditch stabbing / slashing device when the ammo runs out and broken arrow is declared.
I got this sight for free, and so far it’s better than not having a scope. It wouldn’t be my first choice, but time will tell if it’s worth keeping.