Home AR-15 The .300 BLK PDW is one of the best defensive tools of...

The .300 BLK PDW is one of the best defensive tools of the modern era.


The Daniel Defense .300BLK PDW is an outstanding defensive tool in one of the most versatile cartridges offered today.

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  1. Supersonic rounds AND a suppressor? Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t that defeat the purpose of a silenced weapon if your rounds are causing sonic booms every time you fire?

  2. The whole point of the 300 blackout is to be quiet. Why would you put supersonic ammunition in it? Even with a suppressor there would be a loud crack as the round broke the speed of sound. You should be running subsonic ammunition that goes somewhere between a 1000 and 1100' per second.

  3. I’m personally glad the .300 BLK maintains its popularity because since I bought myself one from BCM, I love it and it’s my truck gun. I hope the price in ammo eventually comes down more (despite the economy at the moment).

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