Home AR-15 Build this 8" AR 15 Pistol w/ Flush Comp

Build this 8" AR 15 Pistol w/ Flush Comp


Let’s Build an 8″ AR 15 Pistol with a removable Flush Compensator in 300 Blackout.
Complete Parts List, Codes & Tutorial

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  1. I've been wanting to put together a similar build for a couple years now. Im really curious how she'll work with the SI Brace and modified buffer. My 6" BO was very temperamental, 8.5" not as bad. Ultimately solved the problem(s) with an H3 buffer & JP Rifle Spring….. The A5 Vltor works fantastic too, obviously neither will work with the SI Brace. I sure am curious if a KAK Buffer Kit is in your near future.
    Looking forward to the follow up!

  2. There is just so many jewels you share in this video OMG thank you!! Idc what anyone else says online but the strike industries accessories must kicks up the sex appeal of the build like no other!! Really appreciate the time on the build list again can't say thank you enough my guy more blessings you way!!

  3. The sig Romeo5 has a better technology setup than the MSR. It has shake awake and a really crisp dot, especially if you’re shooting it in daylight.

    Honestly if you’re gonna gucci it out though, I’d get a .300blk reticle eotech xps with a magnifier. It might not have incredible battery life or shake awake tech but it is a great sight setup and the reticle has range drop built in.
    If not that, then perhaps an aimpoint T2 with a magnifier? Forever battery life and it’s small and lightweight. It’s just really expensive, while there are a ton of good competitors like Holosun and even sig optics.

  4. Love strike industries innovations I just got my oppressor for my jvomp2. So cool esp since the warden is running about 400+ in today's market .. awesome build now I want one 😍😍🤤🤤

  5. Nice Strike Industries brace…. I like the Maxim Defense CQB stock/brace myself, because I had the SI stock at one time, and if a little dirt or mud gets in there, kiss that spring loaded feature goodbye. Also, The Maxim stock is made of all metal, and if needed, that bad boy will crack skulls. 🤷‍♂️

    Also, Since you're running .300 BLK, you don't actually NEED that adjustable gas block. .300 BLK runs flawlessly with a barrel between 7 and 9 inches. Only consideration you need to think of is that if you're going to be running subsonics more than supersonic, just suppress that bitch permanently. BOOM. Easy peasy.

    Rule of thumb: Subs- 1:7 twist, Super- 1:8 twist.

    The shorter twist helps stabilize subsonic rounds better for farther. You can run both reliably through the same barrel though, no need to adjust gas input, unless you aren't doing suppressed (in which case, why are you running subsonics in the first place? Save money, go loud LOL).

    My personal .300 BLK build is running a 6 inch can on a 7.5 inch barrel under a 12.35 inch Samson MFG handguard that covers the suppressor (I extended it because I made this build specifically to be suppressed, as well as to protect my hand a face in the off chance of a baffle strike, which I've seen blow apart cans before. Now everything will either be captured to a certain extent, or funneled out the front like a goddamn rocket taking off). I had a mini RDS on there before, but after playing around with it, I realized even with subs I can reach out near 350-400 yards before I need to start compensating for drop. So I threw a 1-10x LPVO on there with the RDS as a canted backup. I can't fully utilize the magnification for shooting, but I put it on there more for target identification rather than for range. My left eye is fucked up and milky, so the magnification definitely helps out.

  6. There is a way sir to adjust the detent to grab on. I have a strike industry’s ultimate dust cover and I didn’t want to grab at first but after looking threw the internet I found a way to extend the detent and it grab on hope it helps! Great videos by the way keep up the great work!

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