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Here’s a suggestion drop the riser, it precludes a stockweld which anchors sight alignment and minimizes parallax error. With the riser you cannot maintain consistent sight alignment and thus you get the lousy 4 MOA results you described. Also, the horizontal shot displacement might be from poor trigger control. At any rate, you might want to attend the USAMU’s Small Arms Firing School this July 22-23 at Camp Perry, Ohio, It’s Service Rifle Marksmanship Training presented by Champion Military Shooters/Instructors, which will square you on everything important to good shooting. Upon training completion you will have the needed credentials to shoot in CMP and NRA High Power Rifle Competition.
The Grip Pod is a simply magnificent feature, one that will dramatically improve your marksmanship. I know, I am a Military Rifle Instructor assisting the USAMU deliver SDM Training where the Grip Pod is common to shooting from prone position with SDMRs fitted with either free float or non free float handguard.
I got a Del Ton 20" HBAR/A2 upper kit. I bought the lower locally. Buying the unassembled upper kit, and assembling it yourself can save you up to $300 to $400 dollars over buying a fully assembled rifle. I have a Leupold 4X tactical scope similar to yours with a picatinny rail riser too. It is the first time I have seen a 10-round mag that can connect to another 10-round magazine. I guess that is the way to get around the leftist communist ban on high capacity mags. I live in a free state where I can have a 100-round drum if I wanted to.
Try a heaver round. With 1 in 7 twist I would not shot anything under 65 grain. If you like the 55 grain I would get a 1 in 9 twist
I just picked up the echo 316M from delton , the customization is gonna be clean
im in my waiting period now
I bought the same gun around christmas this year and i've run about 300+ rounds through it with zero issues. Works great and i'm 100% happy with the purchase. Good luck with it and have fun my man!
Congrats on the 1st AR….nice rifle….I have a Delton lower I built up no issues so far….good vid subbed

Congratulations on getting your rights restored bro.
Nice rifle Delton is a solid entry level rifle. Damn 260 rounds and optic still not zeroed…..ouch thats an expensive range day just to test function.
This will be interesting. My options {When I bought my Radical Firearms } included a Del-Ton like this.
Awesome choice!