This week on TGC Reviews, Ben is checking out the cheapest AR I’ve ever bought. It’s the ATI Ombi Hybrid Maxx P3P 5.56 AR15 with a polymer reciever set.
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Anything that is new in a different way is always criticized by the lovers of the status quo firearm like the M&P, Ruger 5.56, radical, cmmg, and on and on it goes!! The Army did the same with Eugene Stoner and his AR 10. The ATI omni hybrid AR 15 is an excellent firearm!! Yes!! It is different!! But in a great way!! I really believe it is superior to the status quo AR 15’s that fit into the status quo category!! Don’t be surprised if many AR 15 manufacturers start copying;ATI’s Omni Hybrid in the near future, this will create a new status quo firearm, I have no doubt!! This AR 15 will outlast the $2,000 models sold today!! When people pay $1500 or more for their new AR they may be getting a battle rifle ( light ) but look at the cost!! Who is going to abuse their own AR 15 this way anyway? No one!!
I have noticed the buffer, on these rifles gets chewed up pretty bad from slamming into the buffer retaining pin.
damn, cant watch this after you just called yourself foxxy brown
Foxy brown? ,wtf dude
The spray of the brass is all over the place
Does anyone have a problem with theirs not chambering or two bullets being chambered at the same time causing a jam?
Mine has the mil spec aluminum lower with the polymer upper, runs flawless, very accurate gun. Love mine
You did a lo t better than the guys in 2 reviews I saw. Honest Outlaw had a gun that was so bad he junked it after 1 or 2 mags. And in a 500 round review I saw yesterday…The ha nd guard warped at a bout 300 rounds, and actually caught fire at about the 450 mark. The reviewer actually lit a cigar with the burning rifle. As far as I have seen, the Omni is for people that shoot it once and stick it in the closet for 25 years.
What sight are you using?
why do people not tear down and oil grease a rifle before shooting it? right out the box?
Can you please tell me what optics are on that?
What optics is that?
Sounds cheap looks cheap
I’ve had a failure to extract on a $2k gun, so that doesn’t really bother me. 9 times out of 10 it the ammo IMO.
I bought one today and your video is a no BS video. It goes straight on details most people who bought this rifle are concern
That's nice n all…
I'll spend the few extra bucks, to have a fully metal AR and not have any of the "possible" issues… Not knocking…
Just rather stay metal
It's not like a metal AR is Soo heavy in the first place.
till the plastic piece of shit breaks as all plastic lowers do
Does it make a difference if you use .223 vs 5.56 for this? Outlaw had a crapload of failures to eject with all kinds of ammo.
Did you use .223 or 556 ammo?
yall needa look at some other reviews, cus this gun is complete and utter dog shit
I put a steel lower on mine by bk. It’s an great tool now. I didn’t like the lower composite receiver so I changed it.
Great review! i'm thinking between this gun or Hi-Point 4595 carbine 45ACP.
You did a really good test of this firearm. I’m impressed with it’s performance.
I'm suprised… when I saw the price I thought it was gonna be pos.
I bought this gun on my 18th birthday. It's reliable, just about all AR's are are pretty reliable. But it fires like a complete piece of trash. for some reason it felt like shooting a full powered rifle cartridge, maybe cause it's too light from all the polymer. There's no way you could accurately spam fire it. I have no complaints from my new stag 15.
Why the Trump imagery?
That's a shocker
Had one for 4yrs now,bought it to carry hog hunting,handload 62gr in it,get about 1 moa out of it,not bad for $370!Never had an issue with the rifle!
I can't find this fun anyone know a link
how about fundraising for buying many of them and send to ukraine? ar15 is many times more powerful than ak .
I’ve never had problems with my Omni very good gun
Thanks for the review! I just picked one up the other day at a local gun show and can't wait to take it out and try it!
I’ve seen two literally explode…. Shattered uppers.
My upper cracked right below the barrel extension. Lower still running strong. Cheap is good if you are ok with cheap.
What kind of scoops is everyone using? drop the names and sites for order thank you!!
I was looking into buying one of these rifles, and at the price I see doesn't look like it's a bad buy. Thanks for the video
Damn, he really put some dirt inside that rifle! Too bad the gas block was rusting
The music is annoying.
Great review.
350 where? I paid for my 500
I PAID 700 FOR MINE!!! Lol
Just bought this on sale and was wondering if it was gonna be a bust or if i got my moneys worth, thanks for the video very helpful
Don’t grab the magazine when firing. Hold the barrel or get a grip. Holding the mag can mess up your alignment just enough to where it won’t load and extract the fired bullet
UPDATE : The aluminum inserts on the rear take down pin had a catastrophic failure. Sent it back to ATI and they sent me a replacement at no cost with the best possible time frames I'm impressed with the customer service.
I have the same AR and it has never messed up ever !!
I have one in .300 blk. No problem at all. When I was sighting it in, I could follow the centerline round from right to left as I dialed it in on my target. I love mine. You do you, folks.
Is it legal in n.j
Hey love that sight you're running! What the heck is it
I just want it for home defense