This is an edit to my original T9K video detailing what I have learned after using this can for the last three years.
Affiliate links:
Sionyx Aurora Sport –
Streamlight TLR VIR 2 –
Streamlight HLX –
FMA Helmet –
Cheap IR Laser –
Handheld IR Illuminator –
Wadsn HEL-STAR 6 –

I've been copying spirtus systems designs lately. It's borderline criminal that they charge $75 for a JSTA pouch that costs them $5 in materials to make lol. Maybe just piss them off and show how to make their gear but at 1/10th of the price.
I have been extremely pleased with my YHM Turbo K for a budget 556 silencer. I want to say it was like $380 back when I bought it. YHM just released a new version called the Fat Cat same price, weighs less, shorter and somehow quieter.
you should make a split rig
You asked in your last video about what we would like to see you make next. I've been thinking of making a version of the Haley strategic flat pack with Hitchhike Adapter and id love to see your take on it.