Home AR-15 Don't do this to your AR15! The worst of the AK on...

Don't do this to your AR15! The worst of the AK on the AR15.


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The Dead Foot Arms makes the under folder modification for AR15’s. It takes the under folder stock of the AK series of rifles and puts it on the AR15. Dead Foot Arms has only made a few of these stocks but they are unique.

#ar15 #ak47 #deadfoot

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  1. Dude, you made a short about this gun and said “the best of the AK on an AR-15. And you were praising it talking about how good it was and how neat. But it had one comment that said it was the worst of the AK on the AR-15 and everyone upvoted it and now you come out with THIS video??? What a poser

  2. Mistake brother, in order to keep the channel "Family Friendly", you forgot to include a tranny commentator, and a hairy muscular dude in a bikini with a fake wolf tail and ears, howling in the background. That would've given you a FF1 rating, to get to 5 you know you need at least a pentagram and candles, some dolls hanging from their feet, and well I think the rest's in the EULA.
    Thanks for the vid & laffs Tim, have a good one! 👍🏼

  3. Your handgun torture test series of video seem unavailable now. It's surely due to the new rules on youtube. Sad. I would have loved that kind of tests on pistol caliber carbines. Continue your good work. Your honest reviews are keeping you at the top. 🎖

  4. i dont use ar's . i have 2 and this would probally work well with my Del Tone Inc.. its very clean with no forward assist ,bolt flap, or deflector. which makes for a unfriendly to left handed people with no shell deflector. great looking ar. and this kit would probally work well with type setup. maybe the right configuration just hasnt been found yet.

  5. The sight of an under folding AK stock always produced a high cool factor, but I never enjoyed shooting them. This new product is a solution searching for a problem. I do enjoy your Hoosier humor, thanks for the video.

  6. This is why PWS exists. Although Sig enter the 7.62 AR market, PWS has been doing it for years while Sig couldn't get their gun to feed reliably.

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