Home StreamLight Shotgun Lights – mounting and placement options

Shotgun Lights – mounting and placement options


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  1. I started with my light (TLR RM2) mounted on the side of the fore grip. But since it was back from the end of the barrel a ways. I got a lot of shadowing. The barrel basically blocked one half of the beam throw. Ended up going with the 6 o'clock position. I get a lot better light spread.

  2. Do you ever have issues with the velcro adhesive on the 930 fore end? I just got a streamlight with pressure switch for mine and was contemplating the best way to mount it since I won't have a rail to mount it to. Any recommendations on velcro? Is 3M going to be the best?

  3. Glad I found your site and subscribed. Just bought a used Mossy 500 and will sling it. I have a KSG and it runs nice, but I agree about the pistol grip. Truth be told, I wouldn't have bought the 500, if I liked the KSG all that much. Thanks for the video.

  4. GG&G make a great forward sling mount that goes under the mag cap on the pump guns , both the Remington and Mossberg , it keeps the sling out of the way of the light , ether on the left or right side , and the Magpul para clip works with looped one .

  5. I was looking at the TL Racker. But may go surefire. There was a police magnum with surefire for sale at Safefire in camas. The light on that seemed dim. Might just needed new batteries. It was 600 not a bad price.

  6. Great video and topic. I’ve ran into many of the same issues you discussed with trying to figure out a light setup for my 870. I’m not crazy about having lights mounted at the 3 or 9 o’clock because it doubles the width of the gun. Not a huge issue but just bugs me on my set up

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