Home AR-15 Scalarworks Leap 30mm Scope Mount: The Best You Can Get

Scalarworks Leap 30mm Scope Mount: The Best You Can Get


There’s “the best for the money,” and then there’s just plain THE BEST.

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  1. This is a really tough choice right now because Geissele is offering 70% off their mount with the Razor HD Gen-2…. I can't decide if I want to spend the extra $227 to get the Scalarworks…

  2. was about to buy one of these after you and flannel daddy's reviews. Took a quick google search and comment browsing to notice these will break, crack, and scuff up your LVPO. $400 fucking dollars and there are reports everywhere that state these will break on you and scuff up your $2000+ optic. Just about put this POS on my SHTF gun too. Usually love your reviews but damn man.

  3. What’s crazy is I loved them to until the two of this models I had cracked at the rings. A buddy of mines did the same a couple months prior to mine. Ironically the reason I’m writing this is I saw your real rings were cracked lol crazy. Hence why I hoped on looking for reviews. Look at your back rings, you’ll see bare aluminum on the hinges yours are cracked as well.

  4. Just out of curiosity are you using the 1.57 or the 1.93 mount? I am trying to decide which one to go with as I am dead set on buying a scalarworks mount for my vortex razor 1-6 scope. I am nearing the final stages of a rifle build right now that I plan on using for 3 gun/ multi gun applications. Thank you for this review!

  5. Scalarworks claims it’s latest version will hold up to the recoil of a Barrett 50….what’s your opinion? I’d like one for my Barrett but wanna make sure I won’t have scope slipping or anything cracking

  6. Badger condition one is my favorite scope mount by far because of the 1.7 height option. The best height for an lpvo if you ask me plus the badger is probably more durable. Also you are wrong about scalarworks selling a lower 1/3rd scope mount. They only sell a 1.54 and a 1.93

  7. I personally think that BOBRO mounts are superior to Scalarworks.

    Both in quality, durability and even the cost of their products. I even hesitated to mention them based on selfishness alone but they deserve the recognition as I believe them to be a better/alternative option.

    In fact, there are plenty of gentlemen whose paygrade is much higher than mine and they all prefer BOBRO optic mounts. Unfortunately, or perhaps this speaks volumes alone, but they [BOBRO mounts] never seem to be available anywhere. This should be an indication of their desirability and dependability.

    Honestly, I have no interest in supporting companies with grossly inflated prices based solely on their name. ::Cough:: Geissele among many others.

    Stay classy my friends.

  8. New Yorks New firearm permit scheme.
        How long before other anti firearm states try the same thing.
       Read on.
         New York is requiring citizens who want a firearm permit, or renewing a permit to attend a class, qualify with a firearm, submit personal information from social media, relatives. Present and past spouses, psychological evaluation,
       Then you have to go before a judge.
    Next you have to go before the officer who signs and gives you the firearm permit.
        None of the programs mentioned above are in place, and who knows how long before lt begins.
        Just another tactic to delay, or in the long run make it harder or impossible for citizens to get their constitutional given right to obtain a firearm permit.

    The question is, Does this include the people who get a quick pass to get their permit because they were a friend of someone influential.
      Does it include Body gaurds of movie stars and others i can't think of at the moment who got carry permits in New York , Massachusetts and California, when the average everyday legal citizen could not get a firearm permit.
      Pay close attention and see if they do.
          Please pass this message on to others.

  9. Giving the like because.. talking about it is better. I believe all our beloved companies are in wait and panicked that soneone will 3D print their signature product. And instead of recouping loss from this EXCEPTIONALLY TOO DAMNED HIGH PRICES, they over price them with the assumption that "oh someone will make a clone.".. litterally back up polymer sights at $85 yet no one wants to yoink from U.S. companies and are "satisfied" with pricing.

    Also, 1.93 is better.

  10. While I can appreciate quality,there comes a point of diminishing returns. I’ve spent $100 on a Vortex mount that functions no better than the UTG ACCU SYNC that I spent $35 on. The one piece mount however is definitely an improvement over separate rings.
    If money wasn’t an object I still don’t think I’d buy one! You’re better off lapping and hand fitting a much cheaper mount! Even the above average shooter (those shooting beyond 400 yards with an AR platform rifle) will likely see no improvement. If your removing it or switching it between guns it makes even less sense to me. I own 7 AR’s in three different calibers and each one is set up different for a reason.
    A rifle isn’t a laser beam and until you are intimately familiar with the ballistics of whatever caliber your shooting, a velocity shift of 10 fps or 1/2 mph breeze is more detrimental to accuracy than the microscopic shift of your rings. This is Gucci gear for the top .001% of shooters that will benefit from the one inch at 1,500 yards that you may gain from spending insane money on a mount!

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