If you think the ATF Pistol Brace Ban is bad, thing again. You should be worried about Losing Your Guns altogether. This is the solution NO ONE is Talking about.
Here is the link to the Patriot is Not Equal to Terrorist T shirt:
Here is the link to the Spartan Mounts I used to display my rifles:
Here is the link to the Spartan Mounts I used to display my magazines: always, thank you for taking the time to watch this video.
Thank you for making the choice to defend yourself and those you love. God bless you and yours.
If you’re wondering why the LPVO is on backwards, I was inspired my Mike Glover to boost engagement in the comment section. More engagement means more views. More views means the word gets spread. If you think it was done in poor taste, please let me know in the comments. The fight is real. And if you actually thought I mistakenly put the scope on wrong… I have some beachfront property to sell you.
#ar15 #guns #ATF
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I think that nerd Merrick Garland wrote that whole piece of junk himself. Does he think he's being clever?
PATRIOTS, PLEASE gotta read the FREE online story "Battle of Jakes" story about Patriot resistance against gun bans! GOOGLE IT!!!!
The problem is that the government has become antichrist or anti God. They sure don't believe think our right come from God.
I really think the people who own these AR pistols need to chill out and not panic. Easiest solution is to separate the upper half and substitute it for an inexpensive 16" upper until this blows over. There are already many lawsuits over this ATF decision. Love your background display, except the US flag needs to be bigger!
Is that the tacon scope ? With the bad chicom instructions?
The Democrats don't like that word " Liberty ".
In Tennessee. On May 26, 2021 Governor Bill Lee signed the "Tennessee Second Amendment Sanctuary Act" (SB 1335) which prohibits Tennessee or any of its subdivisions from enforcing " any law, treaty, executive order, rule, or regulation of the United States government that violates the Second Amendment."
Yes, it's inalienable, but there is no such thing as God, government cannot use religion as an argument either and should never use religion as a justification for anything.
Violation of Oath
Deprivation of Rights
Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law
Conspiracy to Deprive of Rights
ALL of which subject any acting agents, or aiding party, to immediate felony arrest whenever they attempt to enforce this UNLAWFUL "RULE". During said felony actions, they are armed and acting with aggressive and hostile intent.
As a sidenote,
By pushing this "Rule" they would automatically make the 10 Million+ firearms into SBRs, thus putting them into EXTREMELY COMMON USE and therefore remove them out of the legal reach of this traitorous agency.
2A is gone, kiss the constitution and your rights away… you make your bed America lie in it. It’s your choice

Love the mounts for your gear!
I have thought, and felt every since I learned about the NFA, and have done as much as I can short of getting on the radar if the government, because I don't have the money to fight some bogus charges for something that should be considered legal, and is absolutely constitutional, especially with as out of control and tyrannical that our government has become especially in the last thirty to forty years.
Posting this video like everyone who is paying attention didn't realize this from the start
good vireo brother ! i hate to be the one to say it,, but it may be time for some serious civil disobedience . amen
my comment either got deleted for is missing from some odd reason
here it is again.
In your professional opinion , when the ATF crosses over state lines to enforce these polices, in my home state of West Virginia, my local Sheriff indicates he will not be enforcing anything other than west virginia constitutional laws & applicable federal laws which do dont conflict state law.
That being said, if or when the ATF pays anyone of us a visit and we trespass them,, to which they are going to refuse,, then a neighborhood "team" so to speak could……
–citizens arrest them
-disarm them
-empty their pockets
-run a background check on the spot to endure they are not wanted
-Cuff or zip tie them / hog tie them
-turn them over to the local police
— possibly retain thier arms and destroy them
— possibly retain their vehicles and charge storage fees at your terms
with a good neighborhood / neighborhood regiment set up,, all the above seems perfectly well within the law.
The bad thing is there are some fools out there that will jump in head first!!
It's a pissing moan so much. They should legalize the SPR. Along with suppressors. I mean how many people like to go to a range and shoot next to somebody with a 7 and a 1/2 inch barrel. And guns are just plain loud. Save the hearing save the trouble. But that makes too much sense
I myself have never had contact with law enforcement while in possession of a firearm, besides a CCW. Makes me wonder why we obey these arbitrary laws, especially in our own homes. I've been on the range many times with law enforcement, and not a single time have they walked the line and checked for Form 1's. SBR, suppressors, or even if a felon is sightings in a rifle at the range. It's just something I realized the other day.
Background looks great, will be looking at them for my stuff
Lol funny mofo . Background lol
I think they allowed the brace for a certain period of time. Somebody had a thought any plan to say Hey it's legal. For 8 months and then we'll say Hey it's not legal that gives them. The wiggle room To make sure that they get dispersed out there in the publin a way into everyone's home because they know they are popular. Is Therefore their registration . So they will be able to peak in side of Every Vault from every law abiding citizen.. they spanned out. The brace issue long enough so everybody can have one and even let manufacturers manufacture weapons it that claim they are Done so By ATF
standards That have been made Is legal. A lot of these come with documentation saying that they are legal When you buy a Daniel defense. Fostech Tech. aeroposition.. So many others and everybody They did it so there is enough that are distributed So they can have They're big toe halfway in your door. Because you have one classification of a firearm. Hold steady folks ! I do not think Americans will let this happen considering there's 40 million of them out there. And I don't think there is 20 million of free jail space. The correct way of doing this is reach out to your senators local politicians tell them That this is BS.
Sadly the 2A days are numbered in this country. Your throw them out and drain the swamp ideas have been taking place in this country for years in the big cities and liberal states. The problem is that it’s not your ideology that’s driving it, but the leftist elites. They are winning through death by a thousand cuts plan. The majority of Americans don’t agree with you about gun control. As young Americans continue to age and start voting, their plans will accelerate at a speed never before seen. Add to that the open borders policies that will eventually lead to citizenship and more gun bans. We’ll be like Mexico where only criminals and the state will be armed and the citizens have no protection from either. Just look back 15 years ago in the U.S. Obama verbally stated in 2008 that he was against gay marriage when he ran. Look where we’re at 15 years later. Trans 6 year olds, tampons in men’s school bathrooms, hormone blockers for young children. I think you get the point. All the things you say to do are already being done, just by your opponents, successfully.
I agree, many were cool with using pistols or paying for sbrs but now suddenly everyone is mad. We should have been mad years ago. Sbrs should not be a thing. You pass your background check and purchase the gun legally, you should be able to modify it as you wish.

Looks like a lau rifle you have by the grip and the stock but my question is what kind of a scope is on that? To me it looks like it’s on backwards and set so far foward on that system. Looks like the flip magnifier is towards the muzzle end. If I’m wrong please let me know what type of scope this is because I’m Very curious ! Cheers
Bingo. We should be fighting to end the ATF.
Thank you for your wise words. Take care!
Ukraine was a good recent example. The people had to beg the government for guns to protect self against a tyranny.
You did that on purpose to get comments or to see who’s paying attention… Am I right?
I mean it doesn’t bother me like some people but, it’s like putting lipstick on a pig. Just stands out.
The solution?? Don’t give in to tyranny
The ATF is a joke. They can suck it. The Supreme Court has already ruled that any firearm in "Common Use" can NEVER be banned. The first person that gets arrested by the tyrannical ATF will be the person who ends the NFA. Because they will have all their legal fees paid for by the NRA and GOA and it'll go all the way tp the Supreme Court……the ATF will get bitch slapped and the NRA will go away.
I feel that the entire world needs us to uphold the second amendment. Somebody has to provide the model for a just society.
I love how he has his optic on backwards so it will draw attention because he knows we are all gonna make fun of him and talk about it. We all know you’re not dumb enough to put your optic on backwards seriously lol good job brother. But I hope you get 2 million views and thank you for making the video much love from Louisville Kentucky
Y is ur scope on backwards
The sheep WILL OBEY. Watch.
These videos are like the plague, we will see what actually happens when it's time.
the reason why nobody has done anything against the nfa or any of these other infringements rules and laws is, because the gun community cannot even get along with each other, let alone stand up and fight for our 2nd amendment rights or any other right for that matter. there is no "WE THE PEOPLE" it is proven throughout our U.S. history. if "WE THE PEOPLE" did exist then we wouldn't be dealing with these dumba** rules an laws anyways
Phone calls and emails aren’t going to do jack, the only way to get anything done is unity and protests. Where my Nebraska people at I’m ready to go down to the local atf ASAP?
Thanks, just subscribed. I live in WA. state and they are going CA./OR. on us this year. wrote the reps, and they said, we don't care. All traitors. So what does a sick seventy yr. old do? Start shooting? If so I need a lot of people behind me.
FFLs have been saying take advantage of a free stamp if you have any. Then GOA asked ATF agents at Shot Show. 88 days and no stamp, you're a Felon. Everyone who is legal has researched how to continue to be the Honest people. But The more you read, it does appear a new trap or Scam. Get rid of the braces. If it's overturned. They'll be for sale. Luckily it's pretty simple to comply to whatever it is and Will sort itself out in the court's. Persons choice's will differ.