Home AR-15 Ar15 build setup-How I fixed my accuracy issues

Ar15 build setup-How I fixed my accuracy issues


Ar15 build setup-How I fixed my accuracy issues with my first Ar15 build. My first Ar15 build didn’t quite go as planned. I was trying to build an extremely accurate /precise 16″ inch Ar15 and I got a 2-3 moa rifle. I have managed to shrink the groups and I’ll go over how I did it in the video and what I did to get there.

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  1. I put together an upper with the exact Rock River barrel you ended up with a couple years ago. It’s the most accurate ar I own hands down it will shoot 1/2-3/4” groups all day with the best group so far just under 3/8” with my hand loads. I almost went with a criterion barrel myself I’m glad I went with RR its a shame their customer service is non existent would like to see a follow up if they contact you.

  2. Interesting, I also found that the IMR 77gr razor core ammo produced significantly better groups in my LWRC IC-SPR. Unfortunately its significantly more expensive than competing mfg.

  3. Nice vid, but I was hoping to see some troubleshooting. I understand about the cost and time. I have my 4th build, a 6.5 Grendel. It will not group at all. Hoping it's my muzzle device. Its a weird forward gas shooting break. It didn't dawn on me until I was shooting yesterday to take it off and shoot a group. I didn't have a wrench with me to get it off though. I will try it and see what happens..

  4. Glad I seen this I just put a criterion 18” in my bag. I don’t wanna deal 0%customer service if I have an issue. So many people seem to swear by the criterion hype. Thanks for great content 👍

  5. On top of all the good you do I appreciate the fact that you show that you face the same challenges we all face, then show your subscribers that you use the comments to better yourself. Good stuff

  6. I had a rifle from PSA that didn't shoot worth a damn. Changed the barrel, even worse. Hand loads and factory. What did I do…
    I found a cheap set of spacers on Amazon for the muzzle device. And then I tuned it. I threw a bunch of them on, tested, them I'd drop a .004 or .007 spacer until I got down to a one inch group. Being a 4 prong muzzle ( mine is three prong ) timing shouldn't matter.
    Full disclosure; the load I was testing works great in another rifle I built up for my son.
    Like you I dealt with the barrel nut, took the muzzle device off, I did all of it. The only thing that worked was tuning.

  7. Do keep trying criterion for service. And I wonder if you re-mounted the barrel you'd find the criterion to shoot a lot better, suddenly. A lot of people on their first build don't know to "set" the threads by torquing the barrel nut on, backing it off, and torquing it back on a few times to send it home truly (sorry if you did this, I haven't watched your first build video before posting this comment). By taking off the old barrel and installing the new one you may have inadvertently corrected this.

    Either way you did a good thing by losing the Geissele snake oil gas block. Not enough people know that those are made of crappy MiM alloy and have horrible quality and QC, and they sadly assume that because it's high in price it's a good product.

  8. Indeed you are very lucky to have a "cheer leader" wife! I couldn't get my wife to the range if I knocked her out and drug her there !! Maybe your wife will want to try shooting for herself .?! Kudos to your better half !

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