Home EOTech Does Co-Witnessing Red Dots with Iron Sights Work?

Does Co-Witnessing Red Dots with Iron Sights Work?


Retired Navy SEAL and our Director of Training, Dorr, talks about co-witnessing red dot sights with iron sights.

What does co-witnessing sights mean, and does it work well? Find out in this video!

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  1. I thought co-witness meant you can see your back up iron sights through your optic ? If you have a absolute co witness than the dot would be equal to the front and rear sight but if you have a lower 1/3 co witness, than the dot DOESN’T align with the iron sights.

  2. So I was always told in the army that your irons are set to 300, and your dot is only good to 250, do you need to adjust your iron zero to cowitness at range? or is it just keeping a mental note or were my rifle instructors just not very bright?

  3. My first Aimpoint was the Comp ML2 haha I loved that red dot. I’ve now been using Vortex Crossfires and so far no issues. Love the price, weight and performance. Another good one Dorr!

  4. There is no light transmission through a medium (e.g. glass, etc.) without some degree of refraction. If your irons are zeroed without the red dot mounted, POI will shift simply by adding a layer of glass between the front and rear sight.

  5. I have a similar setup except my rear site folds down which I think is preferable. I leave it folder down because it's less clutter, but it's there when you need it or if you want to check zero.

  6. I’ve always found doing this will put me within a few clicks of perfect, I think it’s just difficult to eyeball the exact perfect position to set the dot to on the first try.

  7. You can’t sight the dot by placing it over the front sight post. this will induce parallax and the dot will be off. You need to sight the dot on its own. Co witness just means you can acquire the irons through the optic. I’ve lined up the dot to the irons just to get on paper, but it really does require fine tuning especially if you want to hit consistently behind 100-200 yards

  8. Interesting to see co-witnessing in action.
    I’m curious, however, as to the utility of it.
    Certainly quicker target acquisition than using irons only but beyond that, what do you more tactically-trained folks see as being additional benefits?

  9. I've done similar on a couple 300BO pistols – romro 4S and flip up sights – Ttoy Batglesights on one Magpul BBUS Pro on the other. This works OK as these are for me at least -100 to 150 yard weapons. Down 'n dirty but it works.

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