Home StreamLight CZ Scorpion Upgrades 2.0!

CZ Scorpion Upgrades 2.0!


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  1. Quick question i probably already know the answer but figured I'd ask anyway, I just got my cz scorpion evo 3 s1 carbine (rifle 16" version) would the acr stock work with the current factory stock adapter for would i still need to buy the acr stock and adapter? Thanks

  2. Definitely one of the God tier Scorpions out there. Your indepth jump on everything you did was amazing. You helped me solve a long self debating issue of weapon light cord mitigation. I hope your Scorpion serves you well.

  3. First, sick build. I filed form 1 the other day for my S2 micro. Second, your serial number is still showing on your bolt in the beginning of the video. Third, sick build.

  4. Unfortunately the scorpion I had fired out of battery and blew the receiver open. I was unharmed and it was a mild “explosion” but it took 6 months for CZ to right the wrong by replacing the firearm. I didn’t even have a binary in it l, I was shooting semi. I was also shooting factory loads. As soon as it returned to me I sold it. These platforms are incredibly dangerous I can not recommend anyone purchase one of these. I was having a blast with the platform prior to the OOBD so it was truly a disappointment.

  5. I've been debating getting a Scorpion for years now, seeing this kinda reinvigorated my interest.

    And damn is that a heavy optic to throw on a PCC. Got an M21 on my AR and I freaking love it…but it's a beast

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