Home AR-15 The Most Important AR-15 | GPR or SPR?

The Most Important AR-15 | GPR or SPR?


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  1. GPR wins everytime if your talking about doing something by yourself. SPR are get in a unit or controlled environment. Skill dictates how good a GPR is going to be. Can you reach to 500m on command? Do you know how to properly maneuver in a vehicle and CQC. What you can and can't do with a firearm dictates what build is right.

  2. Or you could make your GPR better, dude you have like 2 attachments on it when there are way many more for just general purposes, a 16 inch barrel still has the effective range you’re going to usually need it at and you can add a suppressor adaptor like the one you have on your SPR, you can’t present a badly put together GPR and say it can only do things okay.

  3. I've got a 16" in 5.56 for gpr set up w a 3-9x n a red dot. My next gun is gonna be prob a 10" a red dot n a magnifier, I'm just not sure if I wanna have it in 300blkout or another 5.56. If the "threat" gets too close, my 9 is never more than an arms length away! Keep the great videos coming Clint, big thanks to you n your whole team at CF!!!

  4. My go to rifle???
    IT's a "frankinrifle to be honest…..
    It's a mid length carbine kept super light, GI internals, 3x optic, rifle light. It's my grab and go.
    Reliable, accurate, light weight.

  5. you say 77 grain is better then 55 or 62 5.56, can you explain why? is it just more energy being the reason? maybe do a bench fire accuracy test at different yards would love to see that video. i have a 1:8 14.5 barrel with a brake called the "heartbreak" i took it to a gun club in florida and got to shot 300 yards for the first time due to lack of ranges in my state. i was very happy it was hitting clay pigeons almost every shot with 55 grain 5.56 so im curios should i switch to 77 g

  6. Love you content and videos. Need some advice my first build 300blk 8". I've watch your videos and many others that say that the (BCG) is the most important part to the gun. Which one is best for ubran home defense. I've seen some from 60 to 600 which is best my buget is 250 no more then 300

  7. this is simple. if you only have one – you go GPR. As soon as you can get more than 1, you begin making each one for specific purposes. I have one for a 5 foot radioactive armadillo attempting a home invasion. You never know, and the more reasons, the more justification for more rifles!

  8. Well.. this is exactly my problem, I don't know what to grap in shtf situation between 16" bcm with arrowhead 1-8 lpvo with hs red dot canted at 45° or 11.5" mod2 mk111 PWS upper seating on a Aero ambi pistol build with folding brace, and acss 1x with 3x vortex mag behind it…. both with lights, slings and omega and witt machine in jail…. damn I like them a lot!!! And just don't know … I guess both 🤣🤣🤣

  9. My GPR is pretty simple. 10" AR-15 pistol, just a prism 3X optic allows me to shoot anything from 1 yard to 100 yards, one weapon light + laser combo, in case I don't want to look through the optic, with backup iron sights. It is good for anything in home defense and urban CQB.

  10. I completely understand that different rifles with different setups each have their purpose. That being said, I really wish people would stop dumping on the 16" barrel. It's a good length that let's you do a little of everything. Not all of us can have a wall of weapons (but we can dream) that gives us all those options. You know what my GPR in Iraq was? The one they issued me. Closer in? Make it happen. Further out? Make it happen. Nothing wrong with that.

  11. Clint, with the modularity of the AR-15, I am a firm believer that you can have a GPR lower with SPR uppers. Granted, I think a spare lower or having two SPR's ready to go would be best, but for those like myself that are budget constrained for whatever reason, building two SPR uppers with a GPR lower is likely the best way to get the most cost effective alternative for the money.

  12. I have a 14.5 rifle that was my first rifle and then I have my nice MK12 build. I love my MK12 so much more over my first one. Might be because I spend so much more money on it but still.

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