Be a chad buy this with a affiliate link after I trash on it
10x LPVOs aren’t bad, they’re just not good.
The vudu 10x is pretty good though.
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If your take way was: LOL All LPVOs SUCK LOLOLOL
Please. Go shoot more.
This is a issue specifically with 10x LPVOs, not 6x, not 4x.
I know the "LPVOs are bad now" is trending in full swing right now. But, for me, the LPVO is still my go to choice for most rifles.
If you want to run a red dot + mag, or 2-10x with RDS, go for it. But be sure it actually works for you, and you're not allowing confirmation bias to influence you such that you have a excuse to change your rifle for the 12th time this year.
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You and Hop are my super-sober, gun-world insiders.
Keep up the great work!
I thought that you would be interested that I took an LPVO taught by active green beret's, they referenced this video and they thought it was BS. I think off the bat their community writes folks off that do not have any combat experience, and they kind of said the same about you. To give you credit they did say that you "looked" like you knew what you were doing. I didn't challenge their line of thought at all (I'm not interested in that smoke), even though I do agree with your premise; but rather asked them questions to get their line of thinking. One question I asked was "how important is the 1x setting"; they essentially said not at all and they would rather have a red dot, but I don't understand the reasoning of dealing with the engineering negatives to achieve a 1x if it is not important. I will definitely be avoiding a 1-10x for my dedicated precision build, and honestly feel that 1-6 is still ideal for my LPVO "general purpose" applications. I looked though a couple of 1-10x of different makes (including a razor gen3, atibal, Sig), and did not love them at all.
Some other interesting take-aways from their course is those dudes can straight shoot, and have a ton of intelligence when it comes to ranging unknown distances using common objects (a tire, shopping cart, random stuff). They are also magicians on the turrets. Another take-away is they seem to not give a damn about what weapons weigh; whereas, it seems to be a pretty big concern to civilian shooters. I thought it was cool that your video is creating dialogue, even if everyone does not agree it still is important to re-evaluate our thought process and how we spend our money!
This is my absolute favorite channel on YouTube. You have so much valuable info, and you share it in such a comprehensive and comprehensible way. Thank you for what you do, I hope you keep doing this for a long, long time.
I'm running a Vortex Razor 1-6X with an offset Trijicon RMR. I'm disappointed with 6X and have been looking at 8X, 10X or completely going to something like a 3-24X scope. Have been on the fence about a million options.
I can think of one application where 1-10x LPVOs make a ton of sense. In the quantified performance rifle match series's general purpose division, you are only allowed a scope with a greater maximum magnification than 8.5x so long as your minimum magnification is less than 1.5x. The most competitive shooters in this division are using Eotech and Vortex 1-10 scopes.
Good explanation. 10x magnification difference is insane to try and make. I'd take a 2x-10x at lowest magnification over a 1x-10x at lowest. 2x is really easy to use close up. Steyr AUG default scope is a 1.5x and it's incredibly easy to use close range.
Great video! BASED AF!!!
You put the money down for a modern design like a march 1-10 or s&b short dot CC yeah they rock but then you are north of $3500 very unfair to compare with what you have in the video.
I assume at this point you have probably seen the new 1-10x Vortex shown on Tasker Network. It’s even shorter than the current gen. I am so confused at what Vortex is doing.
Would you say the razor gen 3 is worth buying at all? I here lots of mixed things, but conceptually it seems great. I'm concerned about the eye box.
There's no perfection. Even Gisele bundchen is a throwaway to somebody…a 4x ACOG still works well for me from 10to+500yds
Still here with my “old” ass vortex razor 1-6. Does what I need, still a bit heavy but that’s okay.
The Razor 1-10, besides being fragile, is a generally dogshit optic when put head to head with a 1-8 ATACR or VCOG
thanks for saving us money. all the gun reviewers say everything is good. nothing is ever bad. even the zastava pistols.
I just want vortex to make a $300 Crossfire II 1-6x
100% agree. I love my GLx 2.5-10X and off-set red-dot on my 6.5 grendel and 5.56 SPR's.
I agree, I like my Razor 1-10 but at low light without illumination it was useless and I ended up top mounting a T2 to fix it
What ffp optic would you recommend for an ar10?
Ok. So I don’t want to seem like the shit head here.. but… this is why I seem to like the 3-9 with an off set.. that tech has already been mastered… and it actually fucking works as it’s said to do. Don’t call me a boomer cuz I’m way too young.
Lol, because math. Love that line
I've been running a 2-12×42 Athlon on my current "Piston SPR" concept rifle and it has me wondering why I ever thought a 1-8 or a 1-10 would be an option for doing anything past 200yds. I'm definitely in the ballpark that most people running a "high magnification" lpvo (which is kind of an oxymoron) don't really understand that a better erector with a larger objective lense, even at 2x, is going to give them a much better time at range. For me, it's either an EOTech with a Magnifier for a close up set up, an ACOG Stack for something in between, and a 2-12 or something similar with a decent size objective lens for an SPR. I haven't dabbled too much into anything further than a 5.56 SPR setup, but I'm pretty happy with the data I've been gathering on these three specific setups
I like my Vortex HD III on a DMR/Battle Rifle role out to about 500m but I was mostly shopping for the reticle with the ability to shoot short range effectively