We go over the Geissele G2S AR-15/AR-10 drop in 2 stage trigger, how to install it, how it works, and what I think of it overall. Link pinned in comments
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Currently 90$ ish before shipping and tax on primary arms 11/25/22
Can this trigger easily bump fire short bursts when pulled fast enough?
That's what I would like from it
Do you need to use those locking springs if you use a KNS anti walk pins?
Is this brand still worth a sh!!tt forums are saying high prices with Qc problems. Anybody experience this?
I ended up with 1 spare part, one of the keeper springs. I had installed a maritime bolt catch, but due the nature of the hammer pin directions, the maritime bolt catch covers the left side of the hammer pin, the maritime bolt catch was in the way, and had to be removed.
The communists at YouTube keep unsubscribe me from your channel. Thought you should know.
awesome classroom
Just bought one of these. Patently waiting for it to show up so I can see for myself if it lives up to it's "cheaper SSA" intended role.
Man the "doesnt cut corners" didnt age well. Cast metal rusty triggers
Great video, great depiction and view. Thank you
Get some.
Great video man, I appreciate the thoroughness of this! Just ordered one for my Aero M4E1 build!
Algorithm bump
Really like the use of the jig. Very informative video. Thank you.
Help please! Trying to replace the mil spec trigger in the DD MK18 with a geissele. The lower trigger assembly does not just “slide right out” as seen on various YT vids. Seems to be blocked by the safety. Any advice?
$134.99 at Brownells right now.
Drop in?
Aaaand I can't get my mil spec trigger out. Wont clear the safely.
I like how people say two-stage triggers aren't for shooting fast and that they're for taking more precise shots. I think that they never shot a good 2 stage trigger because shooting off of the first stage of the reset is laughably fast if you put the training in. I think most people who hate two stage triggers are under the impression that you have to fully release the trigger after each shot and that you HAVE TO go through both stages for each shot, otherwise they just don't know wtf they're talking about.
Great video. Mine pulls about 2.10-3 lbs in first stage then about 1.5 – 1.7 lbs in second stage. Feels just like an SSA. Great value.
Would you recommend this for a home defense trigger for a beginner shooter or something with more pull weight? Building my wife an AR and she’s a noob.
great video ! thanks , it was my first time doing a trigger install and you helped me a ton , you are the man as usual haha thanks again !
Great video! Excellent info on what makes this less expensive than the SSA model. Perfect “tempo” on this vid for a simple product. Thank you!
So this doesn't come with the slave pin like the other Geissele triggers?
I use and prefer his wife's trigger better. ALG QMS….like a super single stage Mil-Spec and for under $50. I have one SSA that I bought on sale over a year ago for $170 and that was bad enough. I can't imagine paying $240 for one. That's more than I pay for the Daniel Defense cold hammer forged chrome lined parkerized 16" stripped M4 barrels I use. I have a guy who buys in quantity and sells them to me for a great price. That's a bit steep as far as I am concerned for a trigger.
So I'm building an Aero/BCM pistol and will be getting BCMs bcg, but Primary Arms will give you a discount on the G2S. I have their SSA in a rifle and love it, but seems like this is a great option for home defense, maybe?
I noticed there are 2 retainer clips. Are you to use both or is that an extra?
I always appreciate your videos. Well done and informative. Very helpful thank you!
I’ve got one and love it. The only problem is once you get a 3 pound trigger or 2.5 it’s so damn crisp. Now I don’t want my g2s
My ar only sends one bullet and then i have to reset the whole thing. My friend’s ar send as many bullet as he wants w.o. Him having to reset the entire gun. How can i get my AR to cycle like his?
I think I just bought one of these. Lol. They have so many that I can’t keep up with the acronyms
Wish they had 2 stage for the AK Rifles