Surveillance cameras at the Alba De Vida Substance Abuse Treatment Clinic in Buffalo, New York, caught a harrowing scene that could have gone a totally opposite way. A security guard managed to single-handedly stop 48-year-old Jermey Griffin, who appeared to fire at least one shot from his weapon before the unnamed guard wrestled him to the ground and dragged him outside. Inside Edition Digital’s Stephanie Officer explains
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For the most part you should not do this but if they fire then it is really up to you to defend yourself.
This gun man got his plans absolutely foiled.
Now he shall see a gray sky within the barbed wire fences of prison.
Me personally I wouldn’t let nobody take my gun

“Hey do you guys know if this is the airsoft tournament?”
That 1 guard is more brave than the entire Uvalde Police force
GOP: more guns more guns
Extended 30 round magazine huh?
Guard looked like he was trying to fake him out by acting like he was about to jump the counter
hes living because the guy with the gun wasnt a killer. Yall doing too much with the hero commentary.
He tried to run to the door, then tried to jump the window. The only remaining option was to fight the agressor
You can see the bravery kick in.
Much respect!!!
The guard immediately went after the suspect after trying to escape but door was locked and the window to
Give them employee a bonus & a raise
Beautifull warning in polise fbi good lok
My channel horror no editieon
I like amerika.usa.and nato
Wawawawaw..gooood..oh my like your channel amazing
Hell he got out the next day nothing going on here
He has my damn respect. Bless hum.
Well they don’t have any security guards at methadone clinics in Wichita Kansas
"Came to the wrong hood mutha fker!"
More propaganda against guns the news will try to spin this out of proportion even know that it sounds not in the least bit credible stop trying to come for guns we don’t want communism or socialism and if you do move to a country that is already one of the two
Ulvade cops would have let him in and "secured the building"
Oh he'll get a slap on the wrist… drug addicts usually do. Smdh
The USA – where madmen and halfwits have access to guns.
A bad guy with an illegal gun? Nah, say it ain't so. Kudos to the guard pulling the can of whoop ass out while unarmed. Hopefully next time he'll be armed so he's not at a disadvantage.
Who next
He definitely thought twice lol! He tried to jump through every window he saw

I hope this wasn't done in a gun free zone.. that would be illegal.
Give him a RAISE
It is hard to see but it seems to me that he motions with his hand pushing the lady to leave before he grabs the gun…thoughts??
FYI: stop saying “extended magazine” for a regular 30 rounder. That’s a standard magazine. An extended is 45-100 round mag.
Wow he better get a raise