Home AR-15 Guard Single-Handedly Wrestles Man With AR-15 Out of Clinic

Guard Single-Handedly Wrestles Man With AR-15 Out of Clinic


Surveillance cameras at the Alba De Vida Substance Abuse Treatment Clinic in Buffalo, New York, caught a harrowing scene that could have gone a totally opposite way. A security guard managed to single-handedly stop 48-year-old Jermey Griffin, who appeared to fire at least one shot from his weapon before the unnamed guard wrestled him to the ground and dragged him outside. Inside Edition Digital’s Stephanie Officer explains

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  1. 😂😂😂😂 not funny but they said he didn't think twice that's cap he had a bunch of other thoughts then realized he only had one choice 😂😂😂 happy it went well for him….they could for not buzzing him through that door

  2. More propaganda against guns the news will try to spin this out of proportion even know that it sounds not in the least bit credible stop trying to come for guns we don’t want communism or socialism and if you do move to a country that is already one of the two

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