Home AR-15 Ballistic Advantage Low-Pro Gas Block Install

Ballistic Advantage Low-Pro Gas Block Install


Join Clint as he goes over the tools and proper installation of a cross pinned low-pro gas block on a Ballistic Advantage AR-15 barrel.

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  1. Hey Clint thanks for the builders series it was super helpful and I think your barrels are great but IMHO extremely underrated, then again I don't really care what the brand name only crew thinks anyway (I'm not saying your barrels are considered second rate at all, I'm just talking about the guys who purchase whatever costs the most because that must mean it's the best kinda guys). With that rant out of the way, my question is what are your thoughts on dimpling barrels for a gas block install? Necessary or unnecessary? Let me know if you have the time, and thanks again!

  2. I have a barrel that has a off center gas block. Like stated in the video.. I've followed all directions as Mr Hanson has stated. Problem is it's not centering with tapping it to center it. I see after going over so many forums that this is an issue with many of your barrels. Why not put these barrels through a QC? It's kinda of a half ass kinda deal.

  3. I'm having trouble getting my roll pin to get into my gas block and tube. The gas tube and roll pin it came with are from a separate vendor. Could that be the reason why it won't seem to fit through?

  4. It's crazy how easy it is to assemble a ar15 from the ground up I did it with out any special tools pin punches or polymer hammer all I used was the right size drill bits (end flat sides of course) and some balls to torque the barrel nut

  5. Just order 2 16” barrels from BA in 556 and 300AAC. Will the set screw gas blocks be secure enough without dimpling the barrels? I feel that dimpling is unnecessary when running a free float rail that goes over the gas block.

  6. I think you guys should make your barrels and your gas blocks with a center line so they line up easy. Also do you recommend using a .25 feeler gauge to space the back of the gas block.

  7. What about that Gap at is needed between the gas block in the shoulder to allow for the end cap to a drop-in handguard every video I've seen nobody's taking that Gap into consideration it needs to be there unless your Barrel was designed for a free float tube only but I don't believe that's how barrels are built. Imo

  8. I purchased the 10.5 Modern series barrel and a Seekins precision adjustable gas block thats just a set screw style….I wouldnt have any issues if I just loctite the set screws correct?

  9. I appreciate your knowledge and love your barrels, I own 3, but why don't you dimple the barrels for the end user and take the guess work out of installing a gas block. Eyeball is nuts when a single simple dimple would align it correctly everytime. BCA, which are $40 come with a DIMPLE! C'mon man!

  10. How to remove AR Gas Block that some idiot used ROCKSETT on set screws on AR Gas Block..
    Q: Besides smacking the dinky 7/64 / 0.097 screws hoping they will break loose, how do you break loose the dinky little Allen head screws on a gas block if Rocksett has been used ? ? ?

    Heat = No
    Water ? (I've read soaking Rocksett in water softens up bond)
    "Shocking" the bond by inserting a short piece of Allen key, and smacking it wit hammer?

    Thoughts, tips?

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