Home AR-15 The Nicest AR-15 I Own?

The Nicest AR-15 I Own?


My new Blackout Defense Quantum MK2 might just be the nicest AR-15 I currently own. In this video I discuss what’s different about is as well as plink around a little bit. What do y’all think about it?

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  1. My new Blackout Defense Quantum MK2 might just be the nicest AR-15 I currently own. In this video I discuss what's different about is as well as plink around a little bit. What do y'all think about it?

  2. Good lord, that AR 15. Of all the AR 15s in the country, possibly in the entire world, ever made, that is one of them. The trigger trigs, the mag release releases the mag, the grip grips, and the stock is stock. Truly a rifle of the last and current century

  3. Squirrel shooters? 😀 anything below ,308 belongs to toys! comon man, you've got a chey Tac……………. take a AR 10, or a Haenel RS9, also called G29. this is pre school! would you take 5,65mm for a pistol? if not, why take this pea gun caliber for a rifle? got to look for the producer, who build a semi auto like that in . 375 CT. by the way……. the anodizing is sexy! I wish we had that in afghanistan. the taliban would run just because the anodizing! 😀 😉

  4. Has anyone on YouTube tried to shoot a line of containers filled with tannerite?I’m curious if the bullet continues on a straight flight path.

    Don’t why this thought randomly came to my mind watching this lol

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