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Eotech Description:
The HWS 558™ is perfect for anyone that doesn’t like to sacrifice. The 558 is compatible with all Gen I-III night vision devices and features an adjustable, locking, quick-detach mount that offers instant removal.
Included in the box:
HWS 558™
Quick-Start Guide
Warranty Card
2x AA Alkaline Batteries
Protective Case
Night Vision Compatible
5.6″ x 2.2″ x 2.9″ (142.2 x 55.9 x 73.7 mm)
13.8 oz (391.2 g)
Water Resistant
33ft. (10 m) depth
1″ Weaver or MIL-STD-1913 rail
Windage & Elevation Adjustment
0.5 MOA per click
20 daylight settings
10 additional settings for Gen I through III+ night vision devices
Power Source
2 x 1.5 V AA batteries – Supports lithium, alkaline or rechargable
Battery Life
Lithium: 2,500 continuous hours at nominal setting 12 at room temperature
Alkaline: 2,200 continuous hours at nominal setting 12 at room temperature
Operating Temperature
-40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C)
Country of Origin
Made in USA

Has eotech reached out about this yet or have you gotten another?
Good info. I have dropped my EXPS3 from 6 feet on concrete. All good. Not a test btw. Just a boneheaded move.
Now go back and re-drop all the Romeo5/7 and holosuns onto the steel. Starting to think nothing will pass the steel test
Lol you're not supposed to drop it, silly!
I have an eotech for sale! Anyone???
Focus Tripp gun porn is my favorite type of porn
Good on you completing a thorough review even though it broke so easily. Whether you did it or not, shouldnt break that easily. Especially for the price and reputation of that brand.
But isn't this the first one you've used a steal plate on…. so comparing it to your other drop test may not be the best way to go. And it's pretty ballsy to ask for a warranty replacement for something you intentionally damaged. Most companies would say to hit the road.
What Riser are you using on that setup in the video ?
Eotech's auto shut-off but not auto turn-ON combined with the poor battery life for their models has prevented me from ever seriously considering them.
Also, it’s not a fluke man lol. EOtechs are actually pretty fragile. Guys that used them in the military know they break left and right. Their popularity isn’t really because of durability(because they’re not) but because the other merits, great reticle, great clarity, great field of view, etc. in terms of shootability they’re second to none compared to red dots. But that’s about it.
I would be shocked if EOtech didn’t fix it for you. They fixed mine free of charge and I purchased it second hand.
Most underrated channel on YouTube, even though I didn't win the belt giveaway..
most real, relatable and stylish content as well as str8 up honest reviews
Was the glass break the cause of shift in zero or was that separate issue.
Great video and in the immortal words of Scooby Doo – ‘Ruh roh!’ – I really do enjoy these product videos and also the evaluations and experience. I hope they do warranty it!
I have a 518 and seems to drain the battery wile in readily available storage. In case I need it. I turned on once a month to check it out and turn it off. And by the year it’s already drained out. I use lithium batteries in it. Any body having this problem?
If I had to guess, the weight of the optic probably had something to do with the fail.
Then some sweet nods I. The background
As an EOTech owner I’ve never dropped mine because I can’t afford to replace it.
Love the vids man
Sucks that happened. I have a couple Exps 3 models and never had any issues. I also have several other brands of red dots including Aimpoint .People like to trash Eotech and Aimpoint due to cost but they’ve been to hell and back throughout GWOT and earned their stellar reputation.
You just made so many range princess's mad.
Are those NVGs next to the creatine??
Something kracken down bellow…
I think it is ridiculous that they are charging you any amount, let alone $100 , to fix the optic. So many other great manufacturers have far better warranties at no cost. I just purchased the Primary Arms SLx 1x Micro Prism with the green ACSS reticle and I am very impressed so far, so much so that I'm probably going to purchase one with the 3x magnification soon. Thanks for all your reviews, they really help in deciding whats worth spending money on.
Sorry to hear your 558 broke. I have 2 512s and a 553 from the early 2010s and they are still working fine. I don’t beat them too much though.
Literally anything
Damn expensive test. At least it's not a total loss.
this and classic firearms are my Sat night this weekend. life is good
I'm the 556th view…
Do I win a free spent case or something special like that?

It’s funny cause all the “anti poors” spend a large portion of their lives talking crap about people with a Romeo5 optic. They act like it’s not ok to just be a hobby shooter and everyone should be training tactically. Then you gotta have all that “milspec” gear that costs 1000s and a lot of time the stuff isn’t even as good as the waaaayyyyy cheaper options. I don’t want to say an eotech is a bad optic i like them quite a bit but damn for 400-700 and it doesn’t really do anything a Romeo 5 can’t unless you have nods. The glass isn’t as clear but it’s not like it’s made out of milk jugs it is usable and for “hobby grade” and in some cases duty grade they’ve been proven to be very good especially when you factor in cost. I think some people have to justify their purchase by talking crap to others and it’s retar*ed. #bendyboi
Something Kraken. eRawr
Like my xps2 green, but after becoming more familiar with the Romeo 8t from your review, think I’ll be checking one out next time I’m looking for a big windowed optic
Having to spend $100 to fix for something you already spend $500 is a joke.
Nice patina on that glass.
When is the PVS-69 review, brother?
Not sure about the eotech but that upper looks dope AF
U.S, Made, at least they won't keep your T1 for months on end…. And then tell you "One is none, and two is one" and send it to Sweeden to fix it. I sold that shit and only run Ecotec's, my 553's are bomb proof! No fuckin shift. They will fix it… Buy American!!
You should do an accessory video one day. Like riser mounts, arisaka and cloud defense light and pressure pad mounts and adapters.
Stayed late to watch this vid! Thanks again!!
The 552 will forever be nostalgic. I purchased one back in 2004, and threw it on my first black rifle; Sig M400. I was 18, and it was the year the assualt weapon ban ended, and this blew my fkn mind. I sold it the week of Sandy Hook for $6k. People we're desperate, and I really couldn't say no for that price.
I think the standards we hold our firearm kit to is unrealistic. I get, trust me. We all have this mentality that our kit should be Fallujah ready, and at some point we'll be relying on it in a SHTF,WROL, Zombie Apocalypse. I'm not easy on my stuff, but I don't abuse it. I'm obviously not going to test the durability of my ZC optics, etc. The Eotech is still a great option. For all it's short comings, nothing compares in CQB. I just built a pistol for my sister and mother, and I went with eotechs for them. If you're a senior with aging eyes the Eotech makes sense. If you're a new shooter, with no experience, an Eotech makes alot of sense.
Speaking of CQB, I think it's a pipe dream. Current conflicts dictate the direction of the industry. With the Ukraine conflict, the average engagement distance is over 400m!! Iraq was 300 and in. There were some Gucci bois kicking in doors, but even in Iraq CQB made up a percent of engagements, even less so in Ukraine. As tech advances engagement distance advances, and a CQB rifle just doesn't make sense. The limitations you receive from a SBR you're not able to overcome at range. The limitations of SPR you can overcome in CQB. I think the trend of pistols and CQB will become a thing of the past this coming generation. They're always be a niche for them, but SPR's capable of CQB, GPR rifle just makes alot more sense. The last two rifles I built were 12.5 so I get it. I just really believe the GPR is going to be the new hawtness for the foreseeable future. I'm hoping we'll see some advancements in magnifies because of it.
Great ubfi I think your video is better when u dont shave. Keep up ! I think if the shroud is polymer which will deform and absorb the shock could actually help?
great info brother! Have you tested a Holosun 510c yet?
The most common issue I've seen with EOTechs is the delamination problem. I've seen them take quite a bit of abuse, and typically the glass only breaks from severe drops and impacts. I'm surprised yours broke that easily. Is EOTech is charging you for the repair due to the breakage resulting from an intentional drop?
Dam broken glass? That's a no fore me… I'll stick with my aimpoints and trijicons