Home AR-15 Daniel Defense DDM4 V7 Unboxing and Closeups

Daniel Defense DDM4 V7 Unboxing and Closeups


Close up look at our new DDM4 V7 – no shots yet – just taking it out of the box.
Excited to get it zeroed in and see how it shoots. Follow up video to come.

What back up sights do you guys recommend?
Also – what are the options for lefties if I go with offset sights? Can they just be flipped to the other side – backwards??

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  1. I am quite surprised that the libs haven't gotten their hands on this video yet to throw moralistic B.S. behind their screen as they usually do.

    I taught my son "gun safety" (& not the hideous recuperation of this term by miniature dictators in order to justify their totalitarism) to prevent him from becoming a social misfit that needs a massive government to dictate his life.

    They know very well that by teaching kids how to use a firearm, they will be less likely to end up becoming the sort of urban-centered welfare recipients they would like them to become, and it is for this very reason that their propaganda begins at the youngest possible age.

  2. I can tell you teach your son proper gun use and safety. I was impressed that he realized the bolt wasn’t fully seated and he used the forward assist to complete the forward motion. Nice gun and good fathering!

  3. Its a beautiful weapon. Only Ar15 you would ever need to get the job done if you only had one. Daniels has irons, you want full co witness or 1/3 rd co witness. Red dot way to go top notch is aim point, or holosun, sig.

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