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So should I be coating the outside of my 4150V Chomoly barrel?
What oil should I use for the parkerized finish to keep it from corrosion ? And what would be the best barrel to get all around that would last a lifetime wile putting high counts through it every weekend until the almighty lets me with out breaking the bank
Kinda funny this guy reminds me of Kevin Smith 🤣
Well that makes me feel better about my current AR10 build using a 416R cold hammer forged barrel, as I’m pretty new to this I got it because it had the most good reviews 😆
40% carbon lol.
oh lord, what is that beautiful shotgun with the gold action?
Mine says 4150CMV SR…. WHATS THE SR MEAN.!..????
Where is a good site to get a 416r SS CHF barrel? 1/7 twist.
He has something furry on his top lip lmao
Idk.. but I've also heard the argument that stainless steel barrels actually have a shorter barrel life than like 4150cmv
What about the difference between 4r rifling and 5r rifling
Can a 416R stainless barrel be nitrided? & Is there any cold hammer forged barrels that a nitrided for corrosion resistance? I have an upper I would like to replace the barrel on. I have built/assembled 3 Ar's now 22lr, 9mm pistols & 7.62.39. I have a upper that has cheap barrel I would like to replace trying to decide what to put in it? Will do 556 pistol 10-12.5"
Got your gun 🔫 from from this dude name above ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ he is the best to rely onet :
Thank you for your insights.
I built a "doomsday" AR Around my budget at the time and this video basically told me that the barrel I chose was perfect for what I needed. Yuns are super knowledgeable and I really enjoy watching your videos. Keep up the good work look for to more videos.
As a materials engineer I approve this content. Good stuff, guys!
Awesome video, with great information. Keep up the good work.
Did this guy really say that a SS barrel will last longer than a CMV barrel honestly Matt doesn’t know what he’s talking about
It would be cool to see weight differences between make and model of barrels in a common length.
H car 30-60 American 🇺🇸
Looks like Mods deleted a troll but also removed all replies.
EXCELLENT job of making some rather nerdy information interesting and understandable!
The original AR15/M16s actually had a 1/14 twist; cold weather problems caused the change to 1/12.
The reason parkerizing is 'porous' is to trap and hold oil against the steel, keeping water away. The park itself doesn't protect the metal.
Chrome is still considered superior to nitride for high-volume (full-auto) use; for semi-auto only, nitride is a more economical option.
Love this vid! You guys are only getting better with age.
All my ARs and AKs have cold hammer forged chrome lined barrels.
Awesome information 👍
Good knowledges
What is cold forged barrel ?
We need another build series
Great information
Can you do a top 5 of all purpose pistols that AREN'T GLOCKS?
Does anybody know why my 24" stainless 5.56 barrel shoots groups inside of a nickel in warm weather, but when I tried it in 20 degree F. weather my groups were absolute junk?
more then 2% Carbon is a cast iron, not steele. 4140 got not more then 0.4% of Carbon.
You guys forgot cryogenic for barrel.
Excellent topic and presentation. Matt should show up more often.
She's not wrong, at least this one time🤔hmmmm…😬
RIP Alek
"Carbon steel" typically refers to softer weldable steels like A36. Barrel and blade steels are known as "alloy" steels. The last pair of numbers in alloy designations is the percent of carbon, but not as you stated. 4140 is not 40%, it is 0.40% carbon. 4140 is less popular for AR barrels, but it is still extremely common for bolt actions. Some mil-spec barrels are 4350, which adds nickel to the alloy.
Also, most precision competition barrels are button rifled; the difference is the follow up treatment, such as lapping of the barrel.
As usual I did learn a little on this video. There's a comment war going on and don't know who to believe. Keep it coming.
6mm arc barrel life vs 308 vs 6.5 creedmoor
Based on this video, I'm fairly happy with my Barrel selection BA. CRMoV 20" 7.62 Nato. My question. Is there a CRMoV barrel that has been run through a melonite bath? Or would that be redundant?
19:00, #2A, because of the time it makes arms especially (California, Massachusetts.. antigun laws) we're to have arms to #defend 🇺🇸 Constitution & citizens from tyranny foreign and or domestic
I really appreciate these videos. I’m going to school to be a gunsmith. Very good video
I feel all AR barrels are still better!
Where’s Alek? Miss the “Top 5” fights.