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i just finished my first AR, i went with a Aero precision also and built it myself. super nice building it and having to learn about it since im new.
I have a Adam's Arms AR10. And I love it. Does exactly what I need and want it to do.
What’s that gun on the wall to the right, third from the top?. Keep eyeing on it
I just dished my first ar build. Chambered in 308. It has a bear creek complete upper. Can't remember what lower. Next build is a 6.5 creedmor.
Do you have an AR 10 chambered only in 308?
will never touch another s&w rifle. aero all the way
You should have name your price range
PSA is by far the best bang for your buck, extremely reliable and more than accurate enough
I bought a S&W M&P 10. I put a scope, extended ambidextrous charging handle, offset iron sights, a pic handgaurd, and 2 point sling on it. I love that rifle!
Sig 716 Tread!
What is with all these short barrels? No way am I rocking .308 in a 16 inch barrel.
$850 got me a 18” stainless steel 1:10 twist barrel Gen 3 PA-10 from PSA. With the extra $$$ I saved I spent it on mags, ammo, and a few personal choice upgrades. Couldn’t be happier with it.
Got dang what is that sexy lil beast above the UMP?
2 words!!! JACOB GREY warthog AR10!!!
What’s your opinion on the PA-10 Gen 3?
How many of you guys already have a PSA-10? I bet theres a lot. I was surprised it didn't make the list. Very.
I want a 30" bull barrel ar10 and then ill just add a tanker muzzle breaker and a 100rd drum mag or maybe make it beltfed from a back pack magazine and make it watercooled too
Could anyone refer what handguard that is on the giveaway rifle?
I had an LR-308, had a bull barrel when I bought it. I lived that thing. I sold if for a fantastic price. But, I'm sorry I did.
10:15 this is EXACTLY what I did

Individual I bought it from had like 5 or 6 already built and when they heard I was looking around they offered to sell me one, said they put $1,700ish into it but sold it to me for $1,200 with extra mags and ammo. love it lol
I am surprised a Daniel Defense AR10 was not on this list.
The Aero Precision M5E1 (and the M4E1) upper and handguard configuration making building a breeze.
so fun fact. I work for DR GUNS LLC, and that lower pictured in the video does not exist anymore. we had to destroy it.
You will need a different spring on that basic DPMS Oracle.
Jesus did that thing kick.
Where is the Msr10?
the Smith & Wesson M&P10 AR's have 5r rifled barrels, they shoot very accurate out of the box. Excellent AR10 especially for the cost
Spend 400 more and get an LWRC. You can feel the difference just handling it. I got a Del-Ton bc they said performs just as good blah blah. Every time I shot the thing, something new went wrong. Not joking, every damn time. Then the place wouldn’t let me consign it back. If you go budget on guns, your going budget on your life. And I promise you will be disappointed
Off topic. That is a cool shotgun in the top left below the bolt action rifle. Who makes that shotty? And where do i go to get one?
I'm just shocked they omitted the PSA10….
Is that an L96 top left?
Build your own? Oh man. I took someone's advice and built an AR 15 and it turned into an addiction! Now you want me to go hard core and build AR 10s? This is really killing my wallet!
Not but 18 and looking at this man’s wall
this how I want to be when I get older 

I just want to know what shotgun is that ? Top left
My build still only has Daniel Defense irons from an ar pistol I have. First ar10 pieced together in a frankin-build sort of way (initially meant to be 8" 8.6 BLK, just don't have time to make my own ammo currently so turned it into a .308). Worth every single penny!
BCA Where are they at I have two of them very well built AR-10
Since the US army is going to 6.5×51 maybe ar10 makes sense nowadays
I am still wondering what the forward assist does.
what yall think about the diamondback db10 in 6.5 creedmoor
Shocked PSA didn't make this list.
So I just got my 1st , DB10 which has an angeled lower. I feel like the only other upper will probably have to come from Diamondback??
i have an alexandria pro fab ar10. i paid 775 dollars for it 2 years ago. i put a magpul precision stock on it and a nikon 4×16 308 scope on it. i have not done any thing with trigger yet. but i can shoot just i bit over 1inch moa with it and i have had do failures yet. i run good 308 hunting ammo through it and it runs very nice
Wish you included the weight and approximate price of each
I remember 18 months ago when the Galil Ace in 7.62×51, Diamondback AR10, and Stag Ar10, PSA P10 and the Armalite ar10, Saint Ar10 were all $999 or less. They are milking us now.
In the lines of the Saint, I love my Springfield MSR-10 Hunter. Melonite 16" barrel, 1:10 twist, and adjustable gas tube out of the box. Cabela's for $1400. It loves to eat 168 and 175 grain ammo. Very accurate. They have the 18 and 20 inch versions also.
Just bought a CMMG AR-10 16” for 1500. So far it’s one of the best out of the box guns I’ve ever shot