Home AR-15 The Best Optic Setup For A Battle Ready AR-15

The Best Optic Setup For A Battle Ready AR-15


The Best Optic Setup For A Battle Ready AR-15

What is the best optic setup for a battle ready rifle? Chadd walks you through 5 different setups and discusses the pros and cons of each. What is your setup?

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  1. Just as a note on the first rifle with iron sights, be honest with yourself in terms of your level of experience and efficiency. If you're someone who hasn't spent time using and understanding iron sights the one time you actually find yourself having to use that rifle/sighting system isn't the time to figure it out. Save your money to spend on a reliable dot like an aimpoint for your first go to gun, putting the dot on a target is a lot easier under high levels of stress than finding and aligning that front sight. Still need to spend time training with a dot but it's a lot easier and more effective for newer shooters, experienced ones as well for that matter. Iron sights are very effective but a quality dot offers a significant advantage.

  2. Lee Enfield mark 4 .ammo 303🇬🇧any day!(Mind the kick-back)it knock ✝️🇨🇮☘️you on your arse if you are not ready for it![Go Roman Catholic🇻🇦 ) and only say the words (I am Roman Catholic) my soul and yours will be Healed ✝️ SAS The flying dagger 🗡 Motto (who dare wins )🇬🇧☮️☣️👩🏻‍🦰👌ps Lee Enfield 🏍easy rider! Thanks 🙏🏻

  3. I like the way you do things. I come from the Era of the late 1980's to the Early 1990's Era of the NSW Community. We did not have the Customization Options that NSW has since I got out. What we had to use often came from the Civilian Market and was basically Scopes for Hunting rifles. It is good to see the Evolution of Optics since then. And I have to agree with your recommendations. My father who was in the Highland Regiment of the British SAS and was TAD to the U.S. training Navy S.E.A.L.s and other U.S. Military Spec Ops and Army Rangers, had the same Philosophy. Of course he strongly advocated the Use of Room Brooms i.e. Shotguns for Clearing a room When you knew there were no Civilians in the line of fire. Anyway Great Post, people need the kind of helpful information that you are providing in such a professional way. 😊✌️❤️🇺🇸

  4. Great information. No smart ass jokes from me today.

    Right now, using cheap stuff

    Side note: when you get older, eye sight gets worst. Eyes don’t have same range of focus…. Thus I rely more on those red dots.

  5. Great video, very nice tools. I use vortex 3x prism scope on my springfield ar pistol for a 100 yards in, I use a vortex 1-6 on an LMT ar-15, it's for a little more distance. and I use an eotech with the 3x magnifier for 300 yards in and its kinda of good compermise between fixed magnification i can go from point blank to identifing a target at about 300 yards. Its my work around for a acog. 👍🃁

  6. Well I'd say there's no ideal optics setup for any given person's AR15 since that depends on the application the AR is intended for. You have some ARs intended for CQB and others for engaging to 300 yards or more. But if the intent is self defense, than a variety of optics are well suited, though I'd prefer a reflex or holo sight.

  7. hi there, i'm your subscriber from indonesia. to be honest i like your channel so much. i'm wondering have you ever heard special forces army of indonesia called by KOPASSUS ? and can you try to review assault rifle from indonesia, SS2 & SS3 as main rifle for KOPASSUS ? Thanks before 🙏👍

  8. Sir, thank you for all you do. I read a little of the books you suggested with my wife every evening. Your videos are always to the point and interesting We should expect no less with your credentials and life example. Thanks and God Bless

  9. So if you only have 1 rifle and it needs to be a general purpose gun, what is your recommendation?

    Currently running a red dot and backup irons on an AR. And honestly, I do have two rifles, the other is the deer rifle (lever action in .357 mag, thank you hunting laws).

  10. You don’t have much of a clue do you . First off holding that grip pod to “ steady “ your rifle doesn’t steady it unless you wrap your hand over it .
    Next that unity riser is for folks that wear NODs not for what you say .
    You ever carry a firearm where the metal meets the meat ? It appears not

  11. All garbage and thrash most holographic and Red Dot sights have shake to wake technology and the battery life of 50,000 plus hour I'm not saying you shouldn't have backup sites I'm sure but that's not the point and to say you can't hit out past 300 M that's nonsense too if you know your hold overs and your zeros you're good to go out to 500 m that's nonsense it's not ideal but that's not the point nothing in battle or conflict is ideal the lpvo is a good choice but once again it's not as quick as a Red Dot and you can get a magnifier that's not clunky or heavy I prefer to keep my stuff light as well and don't use them but that's not the point total misinformation good luck

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