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BushMaster AR-15


Shooting an AR-15

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  1. the AK accuracy is not bad at all, but compared to an AR style it is there is no comparison.
    The AK it is actually categorized in the machine gun family. Kind of comparing apples to oranges.

  2. Dearest Technobanana…
    Please don't forget that if it wasn't for us and our right to bear arms, then you would be speaking German right now. We understood the destructive capabilities of weaponry, rather than pretending that they didn't exist by banning their use. And that's why we had the balls to drop the bombs that ended shit and you britts didn't.

  3. @Technobanana Um. Hello dumbass Christopher Columbus (Christoforo Columbo was his actual name) was Italian and sailed for the Spanish. All England did was colonize and tax. Then the "yanks" kicked em out and for good reason. Take your monarch loving ass somewhere else and learn a bit og history silly John Boll.

  4. @Technobanana NO! People with guns kill people! The guns are not the problem. Without someone to pull the trigger, a gun cannot do shit! So that being said perhaps we should ban people?

  5. @Technobanana Dammit to hell! Another gun grabbing liberal troll on youtube! They should pass a law prohibiting you people from reproducing! And of course, from the UK. What is it with you Brits and Canucks wanting to disarm Americans? What you gave up your right to own guns so now you want us to as well? Seems like a "misery loves company" type attitude. Here's a thought, worry about your own damn country. We kicked your asses out for a reason!

  6. @Technobanana
    You are wrong. Gun rights is what made the USA kick the Brits out of the country. Obviously you aren't on a very high intelligence level, so lets end this pissing match right here. If you are dumb enough to think that less guns=less crime, then you aren't even worth my time. You are just a simple minded sheep.

    If you would like me to explain to you why gun rights make this country great and how smart they are, then I will. If not, go ahead being the ignorant person you are.

  7. @UntamedWalrus Wait you fucking troll, no one "invented" the usa if it was not for england being botherd to do anything unlike you fat yanks there would be no USA, and its not sad that its being diminished….its fucking good!!

  8. I like the shooting AR & AK videos, but I dislike when people say AR sucks & AKs are great or AK sucks & ARs are great. Like Choncho203 says they are both kick ass guns and hopefully we can continue to own these types of guns in the US. Take care.

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