After the general review we did on Tactical Armament’s AR-15 pistol, I wanted to run it through a real-world based stress test. I wanted to see if it could handle the elements that might feasibly be thrown at it.
I didn’t want to do just a random torture test with things that the gun would never encounter in the real world. I wanted to see if it could survive under wanter submerged for an extended period of time. I wanted to see if it could stand up to the abuse of harsh environments and being thrown around. I also wanted to see what it would run like if it was bone dry.
Thanks for watching!
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What happened with Mike and tactical armament?
That was fucking WEAK! That's a torture test to you? give me that shit, I'll see what it can really take.
Umm this is real world testing?
I hope no one spent their hard-earned money on that overpriced pistol. For that kind of money you can get a quality proven AR like a Daniel defense! Not even a website to go and check out the pistol just the phone number call the number give us your credit card information!! yeah right!
wow,,,,, really……. a Hi point can take more torture
$1900 you could build 4 for that.
it's no AK..
that much for one ar??? I will build four for 1900 dollars
Honestly, that was the worst, non torture test I've seen on YT
This channel went full rtrd.
anyone what what kind of rail system that it? I've been looking for one just like it but can't find anything.
at 5:36
it looked liked it jammed after you burnt off the lube and then had to lube it up to get it to run again ?
I was going to say almost any AR on the market should survive this test……very weak…..remote fire it IN the bucket of water and see what it does
If it passed the submergence test, it's obviously going to pass the rest of the tests is you wash it out every time. Rolling it through the mud and dirt (which is really just packed dirt, barely kicked up dust when it landed) is pointless if you're going to wash it off right after. Almost every AR on the market is going to survive basic stress tests, not that impressive.
I'm glad to see someone else carrying the XDs .45 that I also carry. I still haven't bought the 6 round magazine offered on Springfield's website, for $39.00 + $10 shipping, Ridiculous. If they came down $5.00 I would buy it, But a bubble envelope and USPS for $3 bucks is better than 10.
umm just so you guys know, it's illegal to put that arm brace to your shoulder, I could be wrong but from what I heard it is
Not the "Worlds Best AR" by a long shot, but an interesting video anyway. You should have lit it on fire with a cigarette, so you would have had alcohol, tobacco and firearms…