Home AR-15 CQB AR15/M4 Setup | Black Powder Red Earth Special

CQB AR15/M4 Setup | Black Powder Red Earth Special




Xidax (My Computer Sponsor) –

Onward Research (Holsters Out Now!) –

LAS CONCEALMENT (Onward Research Holster Out Now!) –

Nutrient Survival (Best commercial survival food out there) –

Skallywag Tactical –

Drink Hero (Use Code GARAND for 10% off) –

Leatherback Gear (Use code GARAND for 10% off) –

Cool Fire Trainer –

Mira Safety (Best commercial gas mask) –


EOTech Holographic Weapon Sight

EOTech Magnifier

Larue riser

Steiner DBAL A3

KAC 45 degree offset iron sights

Surefire Scout weapon light

Surefire pressure pad

Vertx 25% off DISCOUNT Code: GarandThumb

Camera Equipment–

Panasonic Gh3

50mm lens

Zoom h1 Mic

lapel mic

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  1. Possibly silly question, hopefully someone sees it and can answer, would you ever run NO optic (just iron sights) in the field? I'd have guessed that maybe in super close quarters no optic would be best, less obtrusive. But some standard sights are obtrusive in nature themselves

  2. I broke my wrist and went to see the doc. didn't x-ray me, just prescribed me 600mg ibeprofen. Went back about a week or so later and got an x-ray, it was broken

  3. I used an Israeli Mepro 21 red dot and a Troy BUIS up front and no iron. Sight in the rear. If it get my rifle run over and my Mepro glass breaks, i can still sight through it and the front BUIS.

  4. I appreciate all your video. You may not realize it but you help us old guys a bunch. while us old guys have time, we don't have the funds to do it right. You save me time and , big one here, money on keeping up with being ready when it hits the fan. I can't afford the money to try all the new stuff coming out and being put to a well working system. The more you present the more money I save by not reinventing the wheel. which leaves more for ammo and working with my system. Old guys wanting to stay ready because its coming appreciate what you present. thanks…press

  5. TITLE : A POOR’s Interpretation of GT’s Life Advice to go buy and own a nice suite , see below.

    Response from Any Poor worth their salt:

    Immediately setting in is Utter shock and horror , an authentic dropping of jaw prompts the index finger to playback 10 seconds and hear again……
    In your head you only know this …..
    A depression is mounting, and there’s a hard fall ahead baby, inflation is still healthy as ever, and that’s positive in certain lights. Our dollar almost worthless, or beyond even, we just can’t bring ourselves to acknowledge it yet….AND GT just told me to buy a nice colorful suit……..wth is happening……

    Switching to Admin, I’ve heard Results are almost certain to follow, is the thought that immediately follows after experiencing this, it’ll have you fumbling through the doozeys, and any non sensical word splurge can tell you more than you thank buddy! I just can’t stand to watch more hearts break, as the faith of too many have been crushed by innocent rhetoric whose delivery was articulated for reasons that meant nothing to most , but everything to some. Nothing is now the most important thing in life, and the many are played by the choices of those who don’t want to hear the cries of those who only wanna make up the some . Stay with me, The point is this, how about I tell you what suit to buy buddy. Goodbye for now guy, we’ll see you later friend. ADMINISTRATIVE-RESULTS WOULD NEVER tell me to buy a colorful suit….he’d know I had at least one in the old domicile, RV/ camper, bicycle/wagon puller. You better be careful, cuz people are gonna start whipping out modular wrinkle free suits from their stocks and fore grips, another year or so and it’ll happen, mark my words pal. You can know, that this here suit owning son of a gun told you all about it, and this is what most of us poors find so frightening about such careless advice being spouted about the town square.

    Stamp it for they clamp it…
    Thank you kindly .

  6. I think a reason for having two separate pressure pads is avoiding a negligent discharge, maybe, of something you did not intend. Muscle memory will force your hand to change minimizing it. I think that is one of those get somewhere fast, get in there fast, do what you came to do fast, and leave fast before anyone realizes what happened; change the upper if something else is needed. One purpose, Bro. That is a weapon.

  7. Right on the suit comment. I can't tell you how many people I see in a professional situation with a black suit…they don't get that those are for weddings and funerals. That's why I have a navy suit. Of course light greys are good for variety and one in purple for all the pimping.

  8. As a former medic in the Army, I would like to thank you for not forgetting the most important part of the medic trilogy in that is changing your socks. Everyone always forgets that step and that's why I never got a break on road marches because grunts always forget to change their socks

  9. Mike, love your channel. Always straight to the point and no bullshit. You have influenced me and a few of my friends in the way we train and shoot. Keep up the good work. Outstanding

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