Home AR-15 If you Build AR 15's…..You Need This..

If you Build AR 15's…..You Need This..


If you Build AR 15’s…..Check This Out..

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Today we’re building the Blackout Defense AR-15 from Scratch. This is probably my favorite AR 15 Build or AR Pistol build I’ve ever done before.

This video is an Unboxing Video Only was filmed in a controlled environment. All firearms are handled in a controlled environment. There are no explanations or directions on how to perform any modifications. And is used with a non modified semi automatic firearm. Furthermore this video does not contain any links for Purchase, nor does it promote the sale of any firearms or firearms accessories, nor does contain any discount codes. This video abides by the Advertiser Friendly Guidelines, and the YouTube Community Guidelines.

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  1. "that's how I built this channel" so instead of using another platform, you're going to charge premium prices for it independently? Really kind of takes the wind out of the sails of the "everymans gun informer" channel concept.

  2. Close to the 7 minute mark you are talking about barrels. I just wanted to share some info so please don't feel like I am calling you out. The idea that a barrel like the one you are holding will only last 5-6K rounds is not correct at all. It's left over information from years and years ago that could have been true at one point but no longer rings true today. Decades ago stainless steel was pretty much just one thing. These days there are hundreds of options of 'what kind' of stainless steel. The technological advancements have been huge when it comes to currently available alloys and such, all of which qualify as 'stainless steel'. With a modern barrel vs a barrel from 40 years ago are night and day different even though they are technically both stainless steel. Yet the story about how long a barrel lasts is a moving target (along with what kind of alloys used) so you cannot just simply use the old 'common knowledge' and be correct in 2022. Furthermore there are substantially better treatments (like nitride and others) that significantly extend the barrel life… and none of that was available when these generic 'fudd lore' determinations of 'barrel life' were started. In short for a barrel like you have there the life is just about triple what you stated in the video. If you aren't getting 15,000 rounds it means you are doing a lot of mag dumps or own a machine gun.
    As for why they are 'more accurate' is because the material is MUCH easier to machine. Combine that with precision tools and technology like nitride where unlike something like chrome lining, it does not alter the dimensions of the barrel and you have a real winning combination.

  3. You might want to move the red dot to the front of the receiver. With red dots and holographic sights, you want to mount it as far forward as you can, without it coming off of the receiver and making contact with the handguard. You'll find that it's faster to get on target and is more accurate.

  4. I purchased some of the components to build an AR including the lower which I've had for about 6 years. I'm still undecided on the barrel and upper, but I do want a minimalist L-shaped stock. I still haven't gotten to planning the build. My goal is to build a light-weight one because I already have a M&P Sport II that's pretty heavy after adding a sling, light and red dot site. I'm not a regular shooter but more of a collector at this point. That might change soon. I appreciate your time and effort in providing your opinions and suggestions about AR-15s. I trust your expertise after watching some of your videos.

  5. VERY nice build. Just not my type since it is a heavy 7lb gun. I build six lb guns. Carrying and extra pound around your neck for 8-10 hours a day for a two day carbine course hurts. That trigger may be the shortest reset I have ever seen.
    I wish this company had a lightweight version.

  6. That’s a sexy rifle. Makes me want to buy a BD rifle next. I have the trigger and it’s amazing! My buddy has a timney and it’s good but not quite as good as the BD zero is. Let’s get to 1mil fast!

  7. First, it came out beautiful. Thanks for the tip on the Real Avid vice. Question about 'colors'. I like them as accents and color schemes (like a two tone). Anyway the question I have is; Would you suggest anodizing or cerakote?

  8. Love the new awesome content, been watching literally before the rules changed so for years, I signed up for the giveaways and stuff man… please tell me that you don't have to be a subscriber to your new platforms to win..!..??

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