CNN’s Laura Coates examines how some Republican senators are justifying their opposition to the ban on AR-15 style rifles.
#LauraCoates #CNNTonight #cnn

CNN’s Laura Coates examines how some Republican senators are justifying their opposition to the ban on AR-15 style rifles.
#LauraCoates #CNNTonight #cnn
Other country they don’t have A.R. 15 they can still life
You want to shoot prairie dogs or varmits you use a 223cal. not an AR 15. It’s time these worthless republican senators give up the lies and get back to work for the American people not DT s base!
The reason we have "ar-15's" is the same reason Ukraine was shoving guns into any of their citizens hands that would take them. ONLY then did they care about a armed citizenry. Yet 90% of those citizens haven't shot more than 10 rounds in practice and lack the training they need in order to protect their homes. WE own guns for that day if & when it comes. Whether the that threat is a bad guy breaking into our homes or a tyrannical government(domestic or foreign).
What in the hell? If you need an AR-15 to shoot prairie dogs you shouldn’t be allowed to own a weapon period.
I have been a pest/vermin control operative for over forty years. If I considered for one moment that an assault rifle was the best tool to use, to dispatch prairie dogs, let alone cotton-tail rabbit, raccoon, fox, coyote……, I would have employed their use. I never have. Such tools are among the least effective of their type for pest/vermin control. They lack pin-point accuracy, thus rendering them inhumane as a means by which to dispatch such species as I have listed…Remember; an average human's head size, and chest area is far bigger than any of the 'pest/vermin species 'clean kill' area that I have listed. AR15's are close/mid-range killers of men, or women, in combat scenarios. Simple as that.
no school shooting has ever occurred at a facility that allows teachers with CCWs to carry on campus.
You have to expect a gunman to go into every school in the US at some point and take appropriate steps to defend against it. Doesn't matter what kind of gun they have, a handgun is plenty deadly, two clips are more shots than the number of victims in any school shooting I know of. Which school shooting so far could not have been stopped if the school had been adequately prepared? Even if it's a student, like Crumbley, they have to take a gun in. What did they do to make that impossible or even difficult? Nothing. Why doesn't any school have even one ballistic shield, so at least one teacher could get to the shooter and take his gun and shoot him with it. Education workers are allowed to buy those shields, so why didn't anybody do it? They cost about $5K but it's probably worth it, in the eyes of the teacher who has it when required rather than just taking rounds as usual. Serious gun control will never happen in the US in anyone's lifetime but you can buy shields right now. Matthew McConaughey didn't offer to buy even one for Robb, just blah blah blah, like every time.
Why not use a Bazooka for sport or for prarie dogs senators hawley, thune and cornin, this kind of leadership and logic is one many reasons why this country is dying. UNBELIEVABLE!
I thought machine guns were assault rifles and they're already banned???
I need an Apache attack helicopter to solve my feral hog problem.
So we supposed to defend their right to have fun and not care about children being scare to go to school??
Animal abuse!
Hey y’all, my neighbor has a problem with roaches in his house, y’all think he can get rid of the roaches with a R-15
Shoot cute, adorable prairie dogs with an AR-15?! Oh my God! There is something teeribly wrong here! The Justice Department should do something to stop this madness!
Time to defend children and babies from the wicked democrats
Time is now to ban abortions to save children and babies lives. That what we need to do if you want to save children and innocent babies lives.
Abortion killed more children in last 50years, over 50 million babies, children murdered in the womb!!!!!!.
I love ar 15's and ak 47's these are most effective for hog hunting, defending yourself and your family. Aslo could save our country from enemies foreign and domestic. Thank God for the founder for the bill of rights. They knew exactly what they were doing. They were giants among men. 1776 let freedom reign.
Ar 15 are very effective to hunt hogs aslo.
If you have to use a AR-15 to shoot a gopher, maybe you need a new hobby.
Some news are so Transparent in their Hippocrecy. If Trump was in office, we the public would never stop hearing how Great Ingenuous, Heroic the criminal Seditionist is. Before He left, He already was a Hero. Jobs we're coming back, Economy picking up. With Biden totally the reverse
Quick, somebody grab an AR-15, I just saw a bunch of GOP prairie dogs entering the Senate !
Is shocking to know how much support the far right has amongst the elite. They see the Direction the Country is going, this Powerfull people have put a price on Democracy. The amount of people who trivialize the assault on Democracy for money is grotesque…
Prairie dogs, like the American bison, are close to extinction, thanks to an ideology that celebrates the destruction of nature for profit. Extinctions are generally a bad thing. But the world would be a better place if one particular species of pests could be hunted to extinction. This species is called "Republicans".
Here in MN. we use AR-15's to keep the Mosquito population down. If 'they' want my Skeeter Slayer they can come pry it out of my cold stupid hands. Yeah
Can we do what Chris rock said go after the bullets? Just make them insanely expensive.
When You vote Crap in you get what you deserve, things can't change when you allow these politicians to speak such nonsense and don't hold them accountable!!!!!!
Killing prairie dogs and "sporting activities" isn't what this debate is about, and shouldn't be cited as a justification. It's about the slaughter of children, and all other innocent people.
These aren’t assault rifles, it’s an armalite rifles
Change the darn 2nd amendment. The darn law is out dated
Senator John Thune, how many packs of prairie dogs have you shot with an AR-15?
Banning assault rifles would be disastrous for the Texas tourist industry. How do they expect the poor tourists to shoot these beasts from helicopters if they don't have AR-15s?
Reason and republicans don't mix. Intelligence and republicans don't mix. Honor and republicans don't mix. Integrity and republicans don't mix. Sanity and republicans don't mix. But líes and grifts go just fine with republicans.
They AR 15 is not not under the constitution, they were talking about muskets. You don’t shoot a prairie dog, unless you want to obliterate it, so that argument is really lame and stupid
Your cushy job vs kids lives. Not a contest at all pass the law you cowards